41 answers
41 answers
Aeryn’s Answer
Brush up on your speaking skills. Join a Toastmasters club, call businesses on the phone frequently, learn a new concept and explain it to someone.
Kim’s Answer
I'd say join the Toastmasters and get good at public speaking! It will serve you well, no matter what career field you choose!
Owen’s Answer
I believe that it's important to try something new, even something that you may have no experience with at all. There's no harm in exploring different professional industries in order to figure out what you like, but also to figure out what you don't like.
Meggan’s Answer
A great way to challenge yourself and step out of your comfort zone is through training or taking new classes. Pick a topic that is unrelated to your major at school or totally different from your primary responsibilities in your job and push yourself to learn something new. If you fear giving presentations, sign up for a course and practice speaking in front of the class in a safe zone. Ask for feedback and take it to heart and keep trying. It will get easier and easier the more you do it.
If in doubt, take that risk and see where you end up!
If in doubt, take that risk and see where you end up!
Brian’s Answer
Building confidence in yourself and not being afraid to fail. Nobody likes to fail, but once you change your mindset to think instead of failing, i just found a way that didn't work, you will become more comfortable in putting yourself in situations that make you uncomfortable. Being uncomfortable is where you will grow the most and by forcing yourself to do it more often you will become more and more confident and will learn a tremendous amount. I hope this helps!
Nick’s Answer
I believe the first step out of a comfort zone is just making a move to be uncomfortable. I think that a lot of times you have to just jump head first into a new experience without over analyzing things. I think that when you think about making changes too long, you think about reasons not to move forward, so you just have to jump. Also take things one step at a time. Its easy to get overwhelmed, but if take it in small bites its much more manageable.
Rahul’s Answer
Hi Aldo,
A good question. Comfort zones can be different things to different people. It largely depends on what you've been used to, both physically and mentally, in the past. A student interviewing for their first job may be way more daunting than a hiker climbing Everest.
What I would suggest is to start with smaller goals which will over time develop into larger ones. Some great ideas have already been suggested in this thread, but here are some of mine (apologies if you are doing these):
- Run a half marathon
- Sign up for a public speaking class
- Engage in a volunteering activity
All require focus but are rewarding in so many ways. They will allow you to build a new perspective in life and a set of skills which will serve you so well in future.
Things are always less scary than they actually seem.
A good question. Comfort zones can be different things to different people. It largely depends on what you've been used to, both physically and mentally, in the past. A student interviewing for their first job may be way more daunting than a hiker climbing Everest.
What I would suggest is to start with smaller goals which will over time develop into larger ones. Some great ideas have already been suggested in this thread, but here are some of mine (apologies if you are doing these):
- Run a half marathon
- Sign up for a public speaking class
- Engage in a volunteering activity
All require focus but are rewarding in so many ways. They will allow you to build a new perspective in life and a set of skills which will serve you so well in future.
Things are always less scary than they actually seem.
Matthew’s Answer
Try learning or doing something that once completed, will make you feel productive and accomplished, no matter how intimidating the task may be. You'll be shocked of how fulfilling it feels to accomplish something that is outside your comfort zone! It can even be more rewarding if the task can enhance your career and skill set!
Lisa’s Answer
Great Question. We all feel uncomfortable at one time or another. There are many avenues you can use. Volunteer at a food bank or other event. You will meet people from different backgrounds and may find someone to network with. Ask questions. Don't ever stop doing that. The more questions you ask, the more you learn. Keep asking until you understand or have your answer. Good luck.
Nicole’s Answer
Write a list of what your strengths and weaknesses are. From there, really evaluate what you are weak at, and list steps on how to strengthen those. It might be easy to point out weaknesses, but overcoming them requires you to get out of your comfort zone.
Carolina’s Answer
Aldo, kudos to you for being open and honest to confronting what's not comfortable! Passion is always a good compass. What are you really passionate about? What "crazy' dreams and ambitions do you have for yourself? Now, think about what's holding you back from pursuing what your passionate about and wholeheartedly believing you can achieve those dreams? Take some time to answer those questions for yourself and identify any fear that come up in the most honest way possible. Shining the light on fear will help you identify what is outside of your comfort zone and more often than not, doing exactly what you fear is what pushes you out of it.
Kathryn’s Answer
Step one is naming the intention, so you're already starting! The journey to gain confidence in yourself can take a while. Try to be kind to yourself along the way and give yourself positive self-talk. Surround yourself with a community to grown with. You are worthy of the pursuits that inspire you!
Edward’s Answer
A step out of my comfort zone would to be more social media active with Linkedin for example. Also learn more about basic investments like mutual funds, stocks and ETFs and how they work. Another way to prepare yourself would to be read the WSJ & Barrons to gain insight of the financial industry. Being knowledgeable in your investments will always boost your confidence.
Pro’s Answer
Skydiving? That would definitely be out of MY comfort zone!! I don't think I'd ever have the nerve to try that actually.
Maybe try learning something hard and complicated, like accounting, that you'll be proud of yourself for learning, and you can make a lot of money working in that field.
Maybe try learning something hard and complicated, like accounting, that you'll be proud of yourself for learning, and you can make a lot of money working in that field.
Rachel’s Answer
A good first step to venture out of your comfort zone would be to try something you've never done before. Pick a new hobby - don't be afraid to make a mistake. Get comfortable with taking a risk. Try messing up and be forgiving with yourself. Agree that you will be supportive of yourself whether you succeed or not. If you can laugh at yourself and not take yourself too seriously, you are on the right path!
Scott’s Answer
Hi Aldo,
For me, the first step to stepping out of my comfort zone was asking questions and engaging with individuals who were involved in the industry that I wanted to get into. From the outside it often seems like it is a burden to ask people questions, but you would be surprised how passionate and eager to help many professionals are. The best advice comes from experience and breaking through that uncomfortable barrier will get you one step closer to your end goal. I hope this helped!
For me, the first step to stepping out of my comfort zone was asking questions and engaging with individuals who were involved in the industry that I wanted to get into. From the outside it often seems like it is a burden to ask people questions, but you would be surprised how passionate and eager to help many professionals are. The best advice comes from experience and breaking through that uncomfortable barrier will get you one step closer to your end goal. I hope this helped!
Stephanie’s Answer
Great question. This is something that most people struggle with throughout their life. We as humans often become complacent in our day to day routines and our norms that many simply forget to try new things.
The fact that you are even acknowledging this is great first step in stepping out of your comfort zone. It is important to note that regardless of how it may seem, EVERYONE feels uncomfortable from time to time, and that is ok. That is where the growth happens. Just dive in!
The fact that you are even acknowledging this is great first step in stepping out of your comfort zone. It is important to note that regardless of how it may seem, EVERYONE feels uncomfortable from time to time, and that is ok. That is where the growth happens. Just dive in!