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Veton Kaba’s Avatar

Veton Kaba

Financial Advisor UBS
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Jersey City, New Jersey
5 Answers
4414 Reads
1 Karma

Active Locations

Sdancy13NFTEBOSS’s Avatar
Sdancy13NFTEBOSS Jan 19, 2012 2823 views

How do you go about choosing the type of career that you want to do?

I'm having a problem with choosing the type of career I want to engage in. Im very talented; love choreographing, singing, fashion (designing) , accountant. It's just hard to choose when I love to do so many things. Some days I want to open my own boutique, then other days I want to be an...

liana’s Avatar
liana Aug 12, 2021 1034 views

How can you build confidence in yourself and feel like you aren't letting your parents done?

# #help

Saul’s Avatar
Saul Aug 18, 2021 809 views

What advice would we use for new people who would like to be like you?

What advice will be useful to start our career, how to deal with people, give good impressions, etc. #animation #career #personal-development #art #job #design

Karitza’s Avatar
Karitza Aug 25, 2021 654 views

what do you like most about work?


Aldo’s Avatar
Aldo Jul 30, 2021 1578 views

What is the first step to step out of my comfort zone?

I’m trying to learn new things but I’m not sure where to start off. I’ll take any tips. #finance