11 answers
What are the biggest challenges when it comes to working with technology for a company? or developing it?
I am 18 y/o, im currently trying to figure out what I want to do for a living one day. Ive always been relatively good with tech and so I feel being some type of tech engineer is a good route for me to take. #computer #technology #engineering
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11 answers
Bob’s Answer
The biggest challenge today with the expansion of technology solutions - is cyber security, or the lack of it.
In recent years all businesses have looked to technology, automation and digitization to remain competitive. On the surface companies sell products, services, materials and or supplies - and you can and will technology enable all of these. Expertise is required to design, develop, deploy and operate the related systems - some on a massive scale, some on a micro scale. This includes insights and design from every type of engineer who then partner with system programmers and security experts.
Recognize that today most of the above can be or should be software optimized and web enabled and as such bad actors can access and have their way
The company building the products must protect the cyber security of the production and management environment to ensure they remain viable - a well placed piece of malware, spyware, or bug can destroy and or give access to bad actors.
The company selling products must ensure their products are protected, the company buying product must ensure their purchases are protected, etc..
Biggest challenge is cyber security - consider having a look at that space when considering careers - everyone has a role to play and will be good to look at what courses you can take to open your eyes/deepen your understanding of risks in the space you wish to work
Hope this helps
In recent years all businesses have looked to technology, automation and digitization to remain competitive. On the surface companies sell products, services, materials and or supplies - and you can and will technology enable all of these. Expertise is required to design, develop, deploy and operate the related systems - some on a massive scale, some on a micro scale. This includes insights and design from every type of engineer who then partner with system programmers and security experts.
Recognize that today most of the above can be or should be software optimized and web enabled and as such bad actors can access and have their way
The company building the products must protect the cyber security of the production and management environment to ensure they remain viable - a well placed piece of malware, spyware, or bug can destroy and or give access to bad actors.
The company selling products must ensure their products are protected, the company buying product must ensure their purchases are protected, etc..
Biggest challenge is cyber security - consider having a look at that space when considering careers - everyone has a role to play and will be good to look at what courses you can take to open your eyes/deepen your understanding of risks in the space you wish to work
Hope this helps
Denise’s Answer
Technology is great path! It is constantly evolving. It is important to continue to learn, even if you have been in it for years. Be curious! After taking your regular collegiate classes and working in the field, continue your on-going education. Take advantage of whatever continuing education programs are available at work. Never stop learning!!! Take risks as well by taking on new responsibility at work! Enter a mentoring program as well. Do volunteer work in the technology field. You never know what doors will open up for you as result.
Craig’s Answer
Yes, this could be a good path for you. Please think about what field you would like to take, for instance would you like to develop or test in technology. Would you like to design the solution or just specify and have others develop and test, if so you may want to be more of a product owner than a designer of tester.
The biggest challenges will be figuring our which part of the process you like best.
Good luck in your career
The biggest challenges will be figuring our which part of the process you like best.
Good luck in your career
Ram’s Answer
In my view the biggest challenge for someone who has gained expertise in technology -->
Every work environment has many non-technical people. Many are in managerial roles. There are many situations where one's own supervisor or manager may not be as technical as one would want. It requires patience, tolerance and equanimity to successfully communicate technical issues when interacting with non-technical people without appearing to make them feel uncomfortable.
The converse is also true. In my experience the singular factor which results in success is mutual respect.
Every work environment has many non-technical people. Many are in managerial roles. There are many situations where one's own supervisor or manager may not be as technical as one would want. It requires patience, tolerance and equanimity to successfully communicate technical issues when interacting with non-technical people without appearing to make them feel uncomfortable.
The converse is also true. In my experience the singular factor which results in success is mutual respect.
Tole’s Answer
Hi: It is important to have technology skills to work in a technology company. But maybe more important is to develop communications skills. While working with a tech company being able to explain technology, and to work and communicate with others will be extremely helpful. So even though you will be working hard on your technology and math classes, take some time for your humanities classes as they may end up being the most important and continue to read.
Mickael’s Answer
Hi Ever
"Ive always been relatively good with tech and so I feel being some type of tech engineer is a good route for me to take."
It's a good start to be good at something if you envisage a career in it, but it is not sufficient. Think that when you find a job, you'll spend 8 hours doing that thing. Is it something you're ready to do?
Also consider that when you work, you get constraints that you do not necessary have when you're doing your own project in your garage during you free time. There is no more such thing as "I do not have the mood" or "there is something more interesting today".
That said, if you like tech and ready to accept these constraints on what you like then the tech industry is for you. We are in a decade where technology is growing at very fast speed. The dominant part is software but it is not the only one. You still need hardware to run all these pieces of software, computers and servers need to be faster and bigger to absorb the ever growing need of machine learning that companies are getting into, not forgetting the cyber-security that has become a must.
In ever more broader view, cars/airplanes need to pollute less, smarter sensors to predict problems, space travels need to become cheaper, environment related technology are growing ...
I think you have plenty to choose in.
"What are the biggest challenges when it comes to working with technology for a company?"
Constraints from customer / product management. You can't just take your time or try to be perfect. You must periodically show results, improvement. And make sure that if your company commits to deadline, you have to provide something there.
"Ive always been relatively good with tech and so I feel being some type of tech engineer is a good route for me to take."
It's a good start to be good at something if you envisage a career in it, but it is not sufficient. Think that when you find a job, you'll spend 8 hours doing that thing. Is it something you're ready to do?
Also consider that when you work, you get constraints that you do not necessary have when you're doing your own project in your garage during you free time. There is no more such thing as "I do not have the mood" or "there is something more interesting today".
That said, if you like tech and ready to accept these constraints on what you like then the tech industry is for you. We are in a decade where technology is growing at very fast speed. The dominant part is software but it is not the only one. You still need hardware to run all these pieces of software, computers and servers need to be faster and bigger to absorb the ever growing need of machine learning that companies are getting into, not forgetting the cyber-security that has become a must.
In ever more broader view, cars/airplanes need to pollute less, smarter sensors to predict problems, space travels need to become cheaper, environment related technology are growing ...
I think you have plenty to choose in.
"What are the biggest challenges when it comes to working with technology for a company?"
Constraints from customer / product management. You can't just take your time or try to be perfect. You must periodically show results, improvement. And make sure that if your company commits to deadline, you have to provide something there.
Toby’s Answer
A lot of good responses here for beginning a career in technology. As with any career ... start with something that you're passionate about, or something that you really love doing. There are many different roles within technology, do your research so you understand the day to day job duties and if you'll enjoy that kind of role. Technology has all kinds of job roles ... selling technology, technical sales support, customer support, IT administration, software administration. I always advise folks that if you're interested in technology, be on the design/development side or on the sales support side of the business. Administrating software applications has become more and more outsourced to employees in other countries at a lower cost.
Being a programmer or software developer you'll need to have a genuine enthusiasm for solving business problems with software ... and doing it on a schedule with deadlines. On the other hand there is a software development individual that helps software sales team sell their solutions to customers. Being good at communicating with other people is key in any technology role ... focus your abilities on making technology simple for business people or executives or customers and you'll do well. The sales support roles tend to be a better job I think, better quality of life, better work environment, and not so production oriented since you're dealing with people and supporting a sales campaign to a customer. Customer facing technical roles also pay better because you'll need to be a better communicator of the technology that you're selling. Also you'll need to be adept at understanding business use cases and how the technology you have solves customer business problems.
I think the advantage of a technical support role in a sales capacity is much more interesting and varied in terms of the work that you do ... building custom demos for a customer presentation, responding to customer technical questions about your software solution, discussing and presenting software solutions/integrations with customers on how to apply the technology to their business problem.
Also consider working for a software company instead of an IT department. The need in the marketplace is greater and the pay is better. You'll have opportunities to work for software startups and you'll get equity compensation as well .... which is very very good.
Find a mentor who does the job that you want to do.
Explore common skills but different job roles so you have the ability to move around and do different jobs with skills you acquire over time
Being a programmer or software developer you'll need to have a genuine enthusiasm for solving business problems with software ... and doing it on a schedule with deadlines. On the other hand there is a software development individual that helps software sales team sell their solutions to customers. Being good at communicating with other people is key in any technology role ... focus your abilities on making technology simple for business people or executives or customers and you'll do well. The sales support roles tend to be a better job I think, better quality of life, better work environment, and not so production oriented since you're dealing with people and supporting a sales campaign to a customer. Customer facing technical roles also pay better because you'll need to be a better communicator of the technology that you're selling. Also you'll need to be adept at understanding business use cases and how the technology you have solves customer business problems.
I think the advantage of a technical support role in a sales capacity is much more interesting and varied in terms of the work that you do ... building custom demos for a customer presentation, responding to customer technical questions about your software solution, discussing and presenting software solutions/integrations with customers on how to apply the technology to their business problem.
Also consider working for a software company instead of an IT department. The need in the marketplace is greater and the pay is better. You'll have opportunities to work for software startups and you'll get equity compensation as well .... which is very very good.
Toby recommends the following next steps:
Kennith’s Answer
Agree with Craig. Tech world is changing very quickly, adapt and learn new technology that is challenging. If you want to be good in the field, be prepared to spend your off hours to learn and study. Tech field is very board from the phone in your hand to a computer in space, everything is technology. Find a field you like and start from there. Studying a field that you enjoy is way easier than a field that you don’t.
Don’t forget to ask your friends and family to see who you are, get a different perspective. Maybe they can give you some insight what tech field you should start. Or may be no tech field at all.
Don’t forget to ask your friends and family to see who you are, get a different perspective. Maybe they can give you some insight what tech field you should start. Or may be no tech field at all.
Maheshbabu’s Answer
Yes Technology is the right path. My two cents on top of other valuable suggestions, Never settle with the Comfort Zone, agility in accepting the changes, Being open/forward looking mindset in terms of recognizing and developing Futuristic skill need to help you faster growth in your career.
Robert’s Answer
The important thing to keep in focus as you determine whether this or another career path is right for you is the passion and determination you have for it. Many times people choose carer paths that "pay well" or have flexible hours all reasonable additives but the main focus should be a desire to learn and contribute to that career. In the computer tech field someone who has a natural anyltical mind and is inquisitive about technology and related subjects make the best candidates for oursuit
Craig’s Answer
Biggest challenges are keeping up to date with fast pace