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Do you have any tips for staying motivated and focus?

As a senior and high school student juggling many things at once, I often lose motivation and struggle with procrastination. I'm trying to get myself back together but it's very hard to stay motivated. #tips #life-advice #motivation

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11 answers

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Amita’s Answer

Hi Linh,

Keeping up with courses, activities, homework is definitely not easy thing and can be really daunting at times.
I agree with some of the previous responses about taking small breaks, doing activities that you like, spending time with your friends & family. It is extremely important to set aside some time for physical activity as a healthy mind is a reflection of a healthy body. Procrastination in my opinion happens to the best of us when you are trying to achieve perfection. Like Piper mentioned, dividing your bigger projects into smaller tasks and meeting these milestones is a good strategy to stay focused. Studies show that there is a feeling of accomplishment which motivates you to do more and better if you follow this simple trick.

don't be too hard on yourself and take breaks when you can. Take care!
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Craig’s Answer


It's completely normal to sometimes feel unmotivated. What's important is that you don't let it consume you for long periods of time. It's up to you to snap yourself out of periods in which you feel unmotivated whether this be through exercise, reading, listening to music/podcasts, etc. I'd also try to surround yourself with individuals that are motivated and have similar interests. They often serve as good motivators to get you going.
Additionally, what works for me is to constantly remind myself why I started something to begin with. What do I want to accomplish personally and professionally? What do I have to do to reach my goals? Nothing worth while has ever come easy! Remember that and in the tough times you will always be able to push through.
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Rebecca’s Answer

Thank you for your question. It is really not easy to stay focus for a long time. It may need to have some training and may have improvement.
Below is my suggestions:
1. Divide your time into 30 min to 1 hour schedule. Suggest you can start with 30 min
2. Assign the time slot for your homework and revision.
3. After each time slot, you can take 5 min break like drink water, snack, stretching, etc.
4. Set the goal to complete the assignment and review the class material everyday
5. Make sure you have enough rest
6. Assign some time to do some exercise, e.g. running, gym, yoga, etc.
Hope this helps! Good Luck!
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Thousif’s Answer

Hai Champ

Motivation is not a some career advice that one can give but then it shall come naturally in you by seeing our parents only I believe .Such as talk to them an discuss few things like
How they initial schooling was?
How their college was?
If at all your parents had a love marriage ,then know about their love story?
Ask about their struggling in their initial career and how they are able to get stable and married happily?
Discuss regarding how they decided and what motivated them to have a beautiful hearted kid like you ?

You can also talk with the teachers and the parents of your best friend too to know their experiences and you will have a stable mind regarding life ,its a great motivation for yourself.

Reasons to overcome de-motivation

Stop comparing with others
Its ok if you are failing and you are slow in your studies ,just keep in mind you are just learning.
Have great time with parents ,learning to be happy in social life is veyr important ,gain friends ,make relationships.
We never know what's can happen in next minute ,so be happy ,positive and confident and enjoy every minute of life .

All the best champ

Thousif shaik

Thousif recommends the following next steps:

Eat well
Enjoy with your parents
Keep praying
stop comparing
Be yourself,have mental and physical excercise
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Donna’s Answer


Motivation and Focus! If you struggle with this now, trust me you will struggle with it all your life. The fact that you recognize it is a problem is a big milestone. When I was your age, I would be just overly frustrated because I procrastinated to the last minute and the quality of my work shown through.

The advice to start by insuring you are well in yourself is always a good practice. Putting yourself first gives your the energy to not only meet your personal goals but help others also, without sacrificing your own well being.

When tasks seem to daunting or there is just too much on your plate, it is easy to loose motivation. Break down all your work into chunks that are manageable and workable. This is an art! You don't know how many times I made a list of things to accomplish the next day and only got one or two accomplished. Don't beat up yourself, just readjust and make a new list for the next day. Eventually you will see what is realistic and what is not.

Work as a team. Believe it or not, making yourself accountable to meet a partner at the library or just go for a walk together and talk through some of your lack of motivation helps. Others may have some good advice or may just offer to help. For example, it is getting cold where I live and could be possible snow. My garage is a mess and can not fit my car in because I have clutter everywhere. Have been procrastinating organization all summer. Was talking with a friend of mine and while I was in Florida taking care of my dad. She sent her husband over to straighten it up while I was gone. You just never know!
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Sneha’s Answer

Hi! I'm in college right now, and I can tell you it's easy to lose motivation at any stage of your education/career. Hyper-fixating on your tasks sometimes makes you lose sight of why you're doing this in the first place, and distracts you from other important things in life. It's very important to establish some kind of a balance, with school work, family, friends, and just time for yourself. It's easier to approach your tasks when you are rested, so listen to your body when you need a break. And in high stress situations, like your senior year of high school, the end goal is college and good grades. Always make some time for yourself, and remind yourself of the bigger picture. Make smaller goals along the way that are more achievable so it doesn't seem so daunting.
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Ing. David Francis’s Answer

Dear Linh P.

Good Morning,

Reference is being made to your question, feeling lost and not motivated is only a stage in life. Most probably because you feel overwhelmed with what needs to be done. When you feel like this, just stop and focus on the goals you have. Write them down on a piece of paper and list notes about what can help you stay focus towards these goals.

It is important also to rest properly so you can function properly. Take care of the three main aspects of yourself: the mind, the spirit and the body. The mind by meditate, the spirit by be grateful and doing good and the body by participate in physical activity. Surround yourself with people who motivate you to reach your goals and follow Facebook pages that will inspire you such as Charge your life - go forward.

Acknowledge the fact that sometimes you will be less productive but always keep on your mind your goals and where you would like to end up.

Never give up and reach greatness.

Take care stay safe.
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Yolanda’s Answer

Focus is the key! If it’s important too you you will prevail. Sometimes if you’re focus is you don’t like what your doing you lose focus! Look for something you love and put that into your school work so you can focus and you will win!!
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Anustha’s Answer


Staying motivated all the time is not what you should feel. If someday you feel dull it is normal. Try to change your routine, sometimes the same routine makes you feel unfocused.

Take breaks in between your studies like 5-10 mins and use that time to talk to your friends or with your parents or anyone who makes you feel happy.

Anustha recommends the following next steps:

In between breaks during study
Talk to friends or family to change the mood
don't follow same routine daily
Do yoga or just try practicing deep breaths for 5 mins whenever you fell unfocused.
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Shambhvi’s Answer

Surround Yourself with positive people . Think what you link to do .
Set up a goal for yourself. Stay away from negative just shut it off .
Do meditation daily .
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Piper’s Answer

My key to staying motivation is planning and taking breaks. Don't spend too long working on any one topic or subject. Break large projects into smaller goals and treat yourself to rewards for meeting key milestones.