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Why is math important?

I know you're going to use it in life but does every job really require math

Thank you comment icon Math is very important to life for any problem solving. Narasimha Nelaturi

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Olayinka’s Answer

Thank you Daddy for this question!

Math is important.

Knowing math can help you with even day to day activities like business and family.

For instance, if you need to prepare a dish, you basically need some thinking to get the right measurements, right?

If you want to buy a car and you have 2 options of car dealers, you need some knowledge of math to compare their prices and pick the best choice.

If you need to arrive at a place at a particular time, you need to do some time calculation to know when to leave your current position etc.

In essence, we all need to have some level of knowledge in math for a smart life! That is why it is important amongst other reasons.

Every job does not require the same level of math. For instance in writing you may not really need math. But when you need to write an article that has numbers you may need to check your math skills.

Some other jobs require a lot of math. For instance, if you are working with NASA as a design engineer, you need good math skills.
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Paul’s Answer

I think we use math every day. We use it in nearly everything.

This includes everything from balancing our finances, to making calculations on purchases, taxes and tax returns. You even make calculations when you drive a car and calculate how far you are driving, or when you google a map and see how far you need to go.

Yes, we use math all the time, even though we not realize it. If we do not use it, we put ourselves at a big disadvantage.
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Jacob’s Answer

Mathematics is undeniably important for several reasons, and while not every job explicitly requires advanced math skills, its significance goes beyond just workplace applications. Here's why math matters:

1. **Problem-Solving Skills:** Math teaches you to analyze complex problems, break them down into manageable steps, and find logical solutions. These problem-solving skills are valuable in various aspects of life, not just in your career.

2. **Critical Thinking:** Math cultivates critical thinking and reasoning abilities. These skills help you make informed decisions, evaluate information, and think critically in everyday situations.

3. **Financial Literacy:** Basic math is essential for managing personal finances. From budgeting to understanding interest rates and investments, math helps you make smart financial choices and avoid common pitfalls.

4. **Technology and Innovation:** Math is the foundation of many technological advancements. It's crucial for fields like computer science, engineering, and data science, which drive innovation in our modern world.

5. **Career Opportunities:** While not all jobs require advanced math, many professions benefit from math skills. Whether you're in healthcare, business, architecture, or even the arts, mathematical knowledge can set you apart and open up more career opportunities.

6. **Quantitative Analysis:** Math is vital for analyzing data and making data-driven decisions. In today's data-driven world, this skill is valuable across industries.

7. **Global Competence:** In an increasingly interconnected world, math provides a universal language for communication. It transcends cultural and linguistic barriers, making it essential for international collaboration.

8. **Research and Academia:** For those pursuing careers in research, academia, or scientific fields, math is fundamental. It's the language of science and a tool for advancing knowledge.

9. **Life Skills:** Math helps you with everyday tasks like cooking (measuring ingredients), home improvement (calculating dimensions), and travel (budgeting expenses). It makes these activities more efficient and enjoyable.

10. **Lifelong Learning:** Learning math promotes a growth mindset and a willingness to continue learning throughout your life. This adaptability is invaluable in a rapidly changing world.

While not everyone needs to become a math expert, having a solid foundation in mathematics equips you with skills and knowledge that enhance your life in numerous ways. It empowers you to tackle challenges, make informed decisions, and be a more engaged and capable member of society. So, yes, math is important, not just for jobs but for life itself.
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Jerome’s Answer

Not every job requires use of it each day, but depending on where you end up, you might use it more than you think.

I am a sales professional and knew I’d have to report sales, but I do fairly intense statistical analysis at times.

Honestly, not as much as I though I would, but certainly more than I expected.
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Amalya’s Answer

It depends on the type of job the person is doing. For instance, IT field is more related to math than some other disciplines. Also, math is important in many cases, but you don't have to an expert in that field to do different jobs.
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Dino’s Answer

Daddy, thank you for connecting with us. Good question. Math is my waterloo when I was studying. But, unfortunately Math has been part of life and that makes me to accept that I need Math in my life. I learn to study it, pass it, and spend more time on it since this is not my cup of tea. We have to realize that Math is one of the M acro skills that we must learn the other 2 are Reading, Writing and computing which is Math. We need to learn Math for the sake that we know how to compute numbers in practical applications we need to know how to count our change when we buy something in the convenience store or buy something in the restaurant. This is an important skills that we learn to accept it because is a way of life.