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Is it advisable to include an "Interests" section on my resume as an experienced professional with a master's degree. Would this addition be perceived as unprofessional, considering it delves into aspects beyond my technical skills and qualifications??

Please guide me here. I just want to explore different approaches.

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Jacob’s Answer

Including an "Interests" section on your resume, even as an experienced professional with a master's degree, can be a strategic decision, but it requires careful consideration. Here are some insights to help you make an informed choice:

1. **Relevance:** Consider whether your interests are relevant to the job you're applying for. If they align with the company culture or the position's requirements, it can be a positive addition. For example, if you're applying for a role at a tech company known for its innovative culture, mentioning your interest in technology can be a plus.

2. **Balance:** The "Interests" section can help humanize your resume and provide conversation starters during interviews. However, it should be balanced with your professional qualifications and skills. Ensure the bulk of your resume focuses on your expertise and achievements.

3. **Professionalism:** While sharing personal interests is fine, ensure they are presented in a professional manner. Avoid overly detailed or controversial hobbies. Stick to interests that reflect positively on you, such as volunteering, community involvement, or activities that demonstrate teamwork and leadership.

4. **Space Consideration:** If space on your resume is limited, prioritize sections like your professional summary, work experience, and skills over the "Interests" section. A concise and tailored resume is essential.

5. **Tailoring:** Customize your resume for each job application. If an interest directly relates to the specific role or company, consider including it. This shows that you've done your research and are genuinely interested in the position.

6. **Networking:** Sometimes, shared interests can create a connection with the hiring manager or interviewer. If you know your interviewer has a similar interest, it can be a great conversation starter.

In summary, including an "Interests" section can humanize your resume and potentially set you apart, but it should be done with care and relevance. Always prioritize showcasing your qualifications and skills, and consider the specific context of the job application when deciding whether to include this section.
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Adeel’s Answer

Hi Haristha, my advice would be to skip the interest section. It's a good section to include if you are fresh out of college and you're looking to showcase your interest as they relate to your field. A good clue is to take your resume and maybe apply to a website that has a ATS (application tracking system) that parses your resume. Interests is usually not a component of those ATS systems. You want to make sure your resume is able to be parsed by these systesm.

Good luck.
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Alicia’s Answer

I'd suggest you aim to keep your resume concise, ideally to one page. This is achievable unless you possess a wealth of experience spanning 20-25 years. Remember, recruiters often scan resumes for specific keywords that align with the job description. So, it's crucial to customize your resume for each job you're applying to! Including an interests section can really add a personal touch, portraying you as more than just your work experience. If there's room on your resume, adding 1-3 hobbies or interests can be a great idea!
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Kelley’s Answer

Certainly, you should incorporate your interests into your application, but only if they align with your career path or the specific role you're pursuing. This could potentially boost your chances of success!
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Stacey’s Answer

Hello Harshita,

I personally prefer to see a highlight of people's achievements at the beginning of their resumes rather than just a list of interests. Create a compelling introduction that encourages the hiring manager to delve deeper into your profile. Spark their curiosity with details about your educational background, the length of your professional experience, the industries or products you've been involved with, any awards you've received, and the certifications you've earned, among other things. Creating 5-8 impactful bullet points.
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Emilie’s Answer

At the experienced hire level, I would recommend not including an interest section since at this level one has typically attained enough experience & skillsets to focus your resume on these areas. A recruiter is going to look at how your resume aligns with the job description you're applying to - you can always discuss your interests during the interview process depending on how the conversation unfolds!
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Zach’s Answer

From an HR and Recruiting perspective, including interests on your resume can provide a great personal touch. Interests can not only show that you are more than your education/work, they can provide a connection between you and the company culture. One thing to be aware of is to keep the interests to one line at the bottom of your resume. You don't want this section running on, and you don't want your resume to go over one page.
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Amit’s Answer

Dear Harshita,

Including an “Interests” section on your resume can be beneficial, even as an experienced professional with a master’s degree. Here’s why:

Showcase Your Personality: This section can help employers get a sense of who you are beyond your professional persona.
Highlight Transferable Skills: Your interests might demonstrate skills that are relevant to the job you’re applying for.
Cultural Fit: It can indicate whether you would be a good cultural fit within the company.

However, there are some considerations to keep in mind:

Relevance: The interests listed should be professionally relevant or provide insight into your skills and character.
Space: If your resume is already filled with pertinent professional skills and qualifications, and if adding interests makes it longer than a page, it might be better to omit them.
Professionalism: Avoid interests that might be viewed as unprofessional or controversial.

In conclusion, including an “Interests” section can be advantageous if done correctly. It’s all about balance and relevance to the job you’re applying for. Good luck! 😊
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Manny’s Answer

The decision to include your interests on your resume is largely contingent on the specific job you're vying for and the pertinence of your hobbies. If your interests align with the job description or the company's ethos, it could be beneficial to mention them. However, if your resume extends beyond one or two pages, it's recommended to omit your interests and instead focus on including the most pertinent information that corresponds with the job requirements. Your interview also provides an opportunity to delve into your interests, offering the interviewer a broader understanding of your persona and your activities beyond the professional sphere. If you're insistent on showcasing your interests, consider creating an online portfolio that highlights them, and include a link to this on your resume, akin to how you might include a LinkedIn profile.
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Sarah’s Answer

Typically, you wouldn't include hobbies or interests in a professional resume. However, if you lack relevant skills and experience, you might consider adding them.
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Kim’s Answer

"Interests" is a very old-school component that long ago fell out of favor. Including such a section could make the reader think you are old, and therefore subject you to age discrimination. If your interests in any way relate to the position, perhaps find a way to work them into the cover letter? Or, if you get the interview, perhaps during the idle chit chat prior to the start of the interview?

If it's very important to you, you could always do some with and some without, and keep track of how each works out. but if it's a job you dearly want, go without!
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Carol’s Answer

Absolutely! Showcasing your hobbies and interests can indeed help potential employers recognize that you maintain a healthy work-life balance.
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Amy’s Answer

I'd recommend including it only if it's directly relevant to the job you're aiming for, like a professional certification or industry-specific knowledge. This could give you an edge!
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Akiko’s Answer

In crafting a professional resume, it's generally advisable to prioritize showcasing your technical skills and career experiences. These are the elements that recruiters and HR professionals are most interested in. Your hobbies and interests, while important to you, can be discussed during an interview if they want to delve deeper into your personality.

Aim for a resume that's succinct yet impactful. Including hobbies and interests can consume valuable space on your resume, unless they directly relate to your profession. Instead of allocating space for these, I'd recommend focusing on highlighting relevant professional experiences and subtly incorporating your soft skills. This approach can make your resume more appealing and effective.
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Chinyere’s Answer

Hello Harshitha,

To Include or Not to Include an "Interests" Section on Your Resume
The short answer: It depends.

While an "Interests" section might seem like a personal touch, its relevance for an experienced professional with a master's degree is debatable.

Reasons to Consider Including an Interests Section
Humanizes Your Resume: It can offer a glimpse into your personality, making you more relatable.
Demonstrates Soft Skills: Certain hobbies can highlight soft skills like leadership, teamwork, or problem-solving.

Cultural Fit: If your interests align with the company culture, it can show you're a good fit.
Reasons to Omit an Interests Section
Focus on Professional Experience: As an experienced professional, your resume should primarily showcase your skills and accomplishments.
Potential for Irrelevant Information: Interests might not be directly related to the job and could be seen as a distraction.
Professional Image: Some recruiters might perceive it as unprofessional or unnecessary for a senior-level position.

Tips if You Choose to Include an Interests Section
Relevance is Key: Only include interests that are somehow related to the job or demonstrate transferable skills.
Keep it Brief: A few concise points are sufficient.
Place it Strategically: Consider placing it at the end of your resume to avoid overshadowing your core qualifications.

Ultimately, the decision to include an "Interests" section is a personal one. Carefully consider the job you're applying for and the overall tone of your resume. If you're unsure, it's generally safer to omit it and focus on your professional experience.

Best wishes!
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Rushita’s Answer

Hello! It's certainly not the norm to incorporate an "Interests" section into your resume, but it's far from being unprofessional. If you believe your resume could benefit from a bit more content and your hobbies align with the roles you're aiming for, then it would be advantageous to include them. For instance, if you're an aspiring UX/UI professional and you have a passion for design, art, or anything creative, these interests could enhance your resume, particularly if you lack extensive prior experience. Including an 'Interests' section can be beneficial in specific circumstances, even though it's not a standard practice. Hope this helps!
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Kareen’s Answer

Adding hobbies to your resume is a powerful method to express your interests and motivations, particularly if you don't have much professional experience. When hiring for entry-level positions, employers frequently seek versatile candidates who excel both in their studies and beyond.
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Steven’s Answer

No need to stress about including hobbies in your resume. It could add a personal touch, but it's not something I'd suggest you spend time on, particularly if your resume is already quite long.