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How do you start deciding your career path?

I am a high school student, who plays an instrument, is an athlete, and takes stem and biology-based classes. I want to go toward the stem and bio fields, but I am unsure.

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Eamon’s Answer

Discovering the right career path can sometimes seem like a tough journey. However, when you're deciding on your future, aim for a career that can stand the test of time and grow with you. Choose something that not only lasts but also evolves into more than just a job. Remember, it's okay to be curious and open-minded as you embark on this exciting career adventure. Don't hesitate to explore unique opportunities within your chosen field. You never know, these niches might just turn out to be your true calling!
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Edan’s Answer

Engage in conversations with individuals who are already working in the field that fascinates you. Seek the assistance of an adult to introduce you to these professionals for valuable networking experiences. Gain insights into their roles, the education and experiences they've accumulated to reach their current position, and crucially, find out how much they relish their work. Ask them if they would still choose the same career path, given their current knowledge and experience as adults.

In my view, professionals fall into three categories:
- Those who follow their passion and continue to find joy in their work
- Those who leverage their job as a means to chase other dreams in life
- Those who find their job unsatisfying as it prevents them from pursuing their true passions

Regardless of the career path you choose, I strongly advise against opting for a path that leads to unhappiness. If you ever find yourself in such a situation, don't fret, remember that there are always other opportunities to change direction.
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Marlyce’s Answer

Hello Sage,

It's fantastic that you're still pursuing your education! Make sure to connect with your career or school counselor - they're there to assist you. Consider job shadowing too, as it's a great way to meet professionals in your desired field. Remember, scholarships and grants can significantly reduce the financial burden of your studies. Wishing you all the best in your career journey!
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bill’s Answer

Alright, let's kick things off by figuring out what truly sparks your interest. Try to find something that feels naturally right for you, as if you've done it before and it just flows smoothly. That's a great place to start! Next, it's time to do some research. Find out what you'll need to land a job in that field.
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Melody’s Answer

Hey there, Sage! It's really great that you've shared so much about yourself, not just your aspirations or the degree you're considering. This is probably the most effective way to discover the right path for you, whether that's in STEM or biology field. Remember, it's okay if not all your interests align with your career path. The fact that you've identified these interests suggests you might have several paths to explore in your life.

Since you mentioned your athletic and musical interests, it might be useful to also think about which STEM or bio classes really excite you. Which ones can't you wait to attend each day? Which ones leave you eager to see what's next? These could be areas worth delving into a bit more.

Don't hesitate to ask more questions - from guidance counselors, or even someone you know in that field. It could give you a clearer picture of what to expect.

The most important thing, though, is to stay open-minded and be ready to explore. Don't feel rushed to make a decision, because you haven't seen all that STEM or bio has to offer. College will expose you to more, so take your time, make some lists, and be open to trying things out.

Wishing you all the best for your future!
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Ashley’s Answer

The first couple of years in college are generally dedicated to core classes, which are required regardless of your chosen major. So, you have ample time to explore and decide on the path you wish to tread, there's no rush at all. Moreover, it's quite common for individuals to land in careers that don't directly align with their college major.

What's more, if you ever decide to switch careers later in life, your undergraduate degree doesn't necessarily need to match your master's program. For instance, if law is your calling, you could have an array of undergraduate degrees - from art and literature to biology. Similarly, if you aspire to join the medical field but your undergraduate degree wasn't particularly science-intensive, you'll just need to complete a few prerequisite courses. You got this! :)
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Jerome’s Answer

Sounds like you are pretty busy and taking advantage of the high school experience which is awesome!

I always highly recommend talking with people who are within a potential field of study. There are likely associations within your field that hold mixers and maybe even offer mentorship.
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Pamela’s Answer

Hello Sage
I am 🙏🏾praying with you first God's plan and purpose for your education and career. Remember to choose your passion you love and would enjoy lifetime.

That's great to hear that you have diverse interests and talents! When it comes to deciding your career path, there are a few steps you can take to help you make a decision.

1. Self-reflection: Take some time to think about your interests, values, and goals. Consider what subjects or activities excite you the most and bring you the most fulfillment. Reflecting on your passions can help point you in the right direction.

2. Explore different options: Since you're interested in STEM and biology, consider exploring different subfields within these areas. Research careers and industries related to STEM and bio and see which ones align with your interests. You can also talk to professionals working in these fields or pursue internships or job shadowing opportunities to get a firsthand experience.

3. Gain relevant experience: Participate in extracurricular activities, internships, or volunteer work that allow you to gain hands-on experience in STEM and biology. This will not only give you a better understanding of what these fields entail but also help you build skills and make connections.

4. Seek guidance: Talk to your teachers, school counselors, and/or mentors who can provide guidance and support throughout your decision-making process. They can help you explore different career options, offer advice, and connect you with resources and opportunities.

Remember, your career path is not set in stone, and it's okay to explore different options and change your mind along the way. It's important to choose a path that aligns with your interests and passions, as this will greatly contribute to your personal and professional growth. Good luck in finding your career path! Is there anything else I can assist you with?
Sure! Here are some examples of research careers and industries thatSure! Here are some examples of research careers align with STEM and bio:

and industries related1. Bi to STEM andomedical Research: bio that you This field focuses might find interesting on studying diseases:

1. Biomedical Research, developing treatments: This field, and improving focuses on developing overall healthcare. new treatments, It involves working therapies, and in laboratories and medical technologies to conducting experiments to improve healthcare.

advance medical knowledge.

2.2. Pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical Research: Research: In this industry, Pharmaceutical researchers work researchers work to on developing new discover and develop drugs and improving new drugs and existing ones. medications.

3 They conduct studies to test the. Genetics Research: This field efficacy and safety of medications, involves studying genes and ensure compliance and their impact with regulations.

on human health and diseases.

3. Bi4. Biotechnology Research: Biotechnology researchotechnology Research: involves using living This industry uses organisms and biological living organisms and systems to create biological systems to new products and create new products technologies. This and technologies.

field includes areas5. Environmental Research: This field focuses on understanding and finding solutions for environmental such as genetic engineering, bioinformatics, and bioprocessing.

4. Environmental Science Research: Environmental scientists study the environment and how human issues such as climate change, pollution, and conservation.

6. Agricultural Research: Researchers in activities impact it. They conduct research to develop sustainable practices, address pollution issues, and conserve this industry work to develop new farming techniques, improve crop yields, and enhance food production.

7. Chemical natural resources.

5. Agricultural Research: Agricultural researchers work on improving crop production, developing sustainable farming methods, and finding solutions to food security Research: This field involves studying the properties and behavior of chemicals, and developing new materials and substances.

8. Neuroscience Research: This industry challenges. They conduct experiments and studies to enhance plant breeding, pest control, and soil management.

6. Neuroscience Research: explores the complexities of the brain and nervous system, seeking to understand neurological disorders Neuroscience researchers study the brain and nervous system to and develop treatments better understand cognitive processes, behavior, and neurological disorders. They use advanced imaging.

These are just a few examples, but there are many other research careers and industries within STEM and bio. I recommend researching each of techniques and conduct experiments to unravel the mysteries of the brain.

7. Materials Science Research: Materials scientists focus on understanding and developing new materials these further to see if they align with your interests and passions. Is there anything else I can assist you with? with unique properties. They work on designing materials for various applications, such as electronics, energy storage, and biomedical implants.

Remember, these are just a few examples, and there are many more research careers and industries within STEM and bio. I encourage you to explore further based on your specific interests and skills. Let me know if you have any other questions!

Wishing you Great Success!
Best Regards!
_Pamela Knight
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Mark Anthony’s Answer

It's super easy to get caught up in choosing the right course after school, forgetting that it's all about steering you towards your dream career. We often see students fretting about 'using up' their to get into the most prestigious course, completely overlooking the fact that the course should be a stepping stone to the career they're passionate about.

Here's the reality: time flies even faster in post-school studies than in high school. The average vocational or university course wraps up in about three years, and then you're out there in the big, wide world, working.

So, if you're pondering your future, don't waste too much time deciding which course to pursue. Most of your time should be dedicated to exploring potential career paths. Once you've got a handle on that, you can start figuring out your course.

Start with an open mind. Take a look at every job, even those you've dismissed before, and give them a second thought. You might have ruled out something years ago for being too easy or too hard, but it could be just right for you now - don't dismiss anything until you've given it a thorough consideration.

There are plenty of resources to help you explore different jobs. We have a vast array of Job Spotlights to get you started, Seek has an excellent section for exploring careers, and you can even discover jobs on TikTok.

If you're curious about the day-to-day tasks of a specific role, don't hesitate to check out actual job listings on a site. Every job is unique, so you'll need to browse a few to get a comprehensive picture. But you'll gain insights into things like the roles and responsibilities, the pay and conditions, and the types of skills, experience, and qualifications employers are looking for.