Ashley Barnes
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How do I find a career that I will enjoy and will provide a steady income?
How do I find a career that I will enjoy and will provide a steady income?I am struggling to find something I like and want to do for the rest of my life.

How do you start deciding your career path?
I am a high school student, who plays an instrument, is an athlete, and takes stem and biology-based classes. I want to go toward the stem and bio fields, but I am unsure.

How do I become a good candidate for internships without prior experience?
I am a sophomore in a liberal arts college, and I want to know how I can get internships and become a strong candidate. I want to go into consulting, but it scares me because of how competitive it is. What kind of traits should I have?

Hi I was wondering what the best path to become a nurse midwife would be? Also what's the difference between a nurse midwife and a regular midwife?
I'm 16 years old and I really want to become a midwife or a nurse midwife, but I don't know where to start. I'm in HOSA currently but it's not really helping. Any advice?

How do i become apart of the FBI Do I need to be a cop before or do I have to have some other experience?
I am in 12th grade.

was it hard at the beginning of your career as a nurse ?
work at the hospital & just overall how did you overcome the hard parts of your career?

If I want to study business management, what should I expect?
I really want to major in business management because I want to work in big events like sport events and be part of making events possible, but I don't know if it is for me because I am not so god at math and numbers.