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What are a few skills, tips, and tricks I can use to learn and get into becoming Computer tech?

Im interested in becoming successful in tech, I would like to gain as much information as possible. I would like to know the basic resources on starting with computer's such as building an online platform, what i would need to start that, an online business, and how I can work my way up to higher paying online jobs?

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6 answers

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Lauren’s Answer

Hey there, Isa! It's awesome to hear that you're interested in diving into the world of tech! There are plenty of skills, tips, and tricks you can pick up to get started on this exciting journey. Here's a rundown:

Start with the Basics: Familiarize yourself with the fundamentals of computers, such as understanding hardware components (like CPUs, GPUs, RAM) and software basics (like operating systems and applications).

Hands-On Learning: One of the best ways to learn is by doing. Consider building your own computer from scratch. It's a fantastic hands-on experience that teaches you a lot about how computers work.

Online Courses and Tutorials: There are tons of online resources available for free or at a low cost that can help you learn the ins and outs of computer technology. Websites like Coursera, Udemy, and Khan Academy offer courses on everything from coding to cybersecurity.

Practice, Practice, Practice: Once you've got the basics down, practice your skills by tackling real-world problems or projects. Whether it's building a website, creating a mobile app, or troubleshooting a computer issue, the more you practice, the better you'll get.

Networking: Connect with other tech enthusiasts and professionals. Join online forums, attend tech meetups, or participate in coding boot camps. Networking can open up new opportunities and help you learn from others' experiences.

Stay Updated: The tech industry is constantly evolving, so it's essential to stay updated on the latest trends and technologies. Follow tech blogs, subscribe to industry newsletters, and engage with tech communities to stay in the loop.

Build Your Online Presence: If you're interested in starting an online platform or business, focus on building your online presence. Create a professional website or portfolio showcasing your skills and projects. Utilize social media platforms to network and promote your work.

Continuous Learning: Never stop learning! The tech industry moves fast, so it's crucial to continuously expand your knowledge and skills. Take advantage of online courses, workshops, and certifications to keep growing professionally.

Remember, success in tech takes time and dedication, but with passion and perseverance, you can definitely achieve your goals. Keep learning, stay curious, and don't be afraid to take on new challenges. You've got this!
Thank you comment icon Thank you ! Isa!
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Michelle’s Answer

Hello, Isa !

You sound ambitious and enthusiastic and I'd like to give some advice for you to consider.

You are most likely already taking computer classes at school, but if not, I advise that you take computer classes until you graduate. As you proceed with high school and college courses in computer science, it will become clear to you about which path to take to fulfill your goals. Try to take it a step at a time with emphasis on education and experience. Those will be the keys to success.

I would advise taking full advantage of the computer events in your city. I have left a link for those below. Techspo 2024 has some events that I think you would enjoy and be very helpful to you. It will also be a chance to mingle with other like minded professionals which could be a benefit to you. To learn about building a website, EdX has a collection of courses on line and I've left the link for you below.

If your current school is not offering classes in what you are seeking, try the online classes at Coursera. I have left a link for you below for their Computer courses and you can take whatever aligns with your educational goals. The websites Legal Zoom and Big Commerce have good information about starting an online business. I have left the links for you below.

How you work your way up to higher paying jobs will depend on the opportunities at the time you are working and initiative on your part. No one can tell you how you personally will be successful in the future. Through education and experience, you will learn the things you will need to do, so that's why education and experience are key.

I hope that this has been a help and I wish you well with you career plans !

Michelle recommends the following next steps:

Thank you comment icon Thank you so much ! Isa!
Thank you comment icon You are very welcome, Isa ! Michelle M.
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Venkat’s Answer

The technology domain is a huge rabbit hole. Assuming you are more interested in computer and software technology and are a current student, I would advise you to take a few computer classes at school. If your school does not provide them, there are many tutorials online in both video and reading formats available for free.

Since you are very specific about Online Platforms and higher-paying online jobs, here are my 2 cents:

For learning:
- Most online platforms such as e-commerce, retail, and services today can be built with proprietary software like WordPress, drupal, Shopify etc.. This is very much technical but the skill can be perfected in much less time with a boot camp/certification course and some hobby projects. It has less scope to branch out or do more.
- If you want to build these online platforms by building your skill set in software engineering and computer science, there are two routes. Traditional College or going through full-stack boot camps + additional self-teaching/projects.
- If you want to get into the research field then college is the better path.

A few domains of work:
- Web/mobile application development - Data management - BigData/ML/AI Applications - Embedded systems/IOT/Robotics - GUI/Gaming - UI/UX Design - Data Analytics/ML/Artificial intelligence - Distributed Computing/cloud services
All these domains need fundamentals practiced and then comes the niche you want to conquer.

Try to get a technical mentor from the industry via LinkedIn or another way to review your skills timely.

Getting work:
- Create a LinkedIn and a portfolio website to showcase your projects and skills.
- Network heavily with co-learners and also with seniors in the same field.
- Apply for internships and sharpen your basics to enterprise standards.
- Apply for freelance and contract jobs on portals like Fiverr and Upwork.

Venkat recommends the following next steps:

As a next step learn the primary web development skills - HTML CSS JS and SQL from
Learn a Programming language like Java/C/C++/Python/Kotlin and DSA from ( and or codeacademy) and check CS50 Harvard youtube channel
Go through one online fullstack bootcamp project @ youtube or codeacademy
Go through computer science books/ videos on operating systems, computer networks and distributed computing concepts
Collaborate and try to enjoy the process at every step even the mundane ones
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Ciara-Beth’s Answer

Technology as a field is really interesting, and the constant developments always keep you on your toes! While I can't give advice on building an online platform, there are plenty of things I wish I could go back and tell myself when I was starting my career in technology.

1. Learn the basics, and learn them well. Understand how the various hardware elements of a computer work. You don't need to learn every programming language on the planet, but definitely learn the basic concepts of programming (i.e. learn about concepts like object oriented programming, functions, variables, variable types etc.). By giving yourself a solid foundation in understanding these concepts well, you'll be able to adapt quickly, pick up various programming languages and understand other related computing concepts much quicker, which is so important in the industry.

2. Familiarise yourself with cloud computing concepts. You don't necessarily need to do formal certifications to start (although they definitely do help), but it's becoming more and more relevant to more areas and job roles in the industry. There are loads of free resources online, and cloud computing skills are just very useful to have.

3. Understanding AI is becoming more and more important - and it's really starting to pop up more, even outside of tech roles. Having a general idea of the different types of AI models, how they work and how they're applied. The goal with all of these tips is not for you to become an expert in these topics, but to be very familiar with all of the basics of these concepts. Once you have these solid foundations, you're setting yourself up to be able to expand on your knowledge base more quickly later on.

4. Keep up to date with new developments - Technology is constantly evolving, and things change really rapidly, it's very important to keep up to date as new things develop
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Ekta’s Answer

Embrace the world of technology by using your computer to discover new things. YouTube and other online platforms are there to assist you.

If you're eager to master programming, is a great place to start your journey.

Interested in Linux commands? Try using the command prompt on your local machine.

Being a tech expert doesn't have a fixed definition these days. There are countless new opportunities out there where you can learn and earn a good salary.

For instance, you could delve into:
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Cloud Computing
- Generative AI
- Business Consulting
- Programming

So, go ahead and pick a path that sparks your interest.
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Trevor’s Answer

Here are some tips: