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What would be my best course of action as a fresh highschool graduate for finding a job that suits what career i want.

I don’t really know where to get started I just know i want to start working in this field almost immediately and i want a college program fully online so i can focus on work.

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5 answers

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Daria’s Answer

As a fresh high school graduate looking to enter the workforce and pursue an online college program, here are some steps you can take:

1. Identify Your Career Interests: Reflect on what you enjoy doing and research careers that align with those interests.
2. Explore Job Options: Look for entry-level positions or industries that offer on-the-job training and opportunities for advancement.
3. Seek Career Advice: Find a mentor or use career counseling services to get guidance tailored to your goals.
4. Consider Online Education: Research online universities that offer flexible start dates and self-paced courses, allowing you to start your education anytime and balance it with work.
5. Prepare Your Application: Tailor your resume and cover letter to highlight your strengths and willingness to learn. Practice for interviews and be ready to discuss your career aspirations and educational plans.

Remember, many jobs value hands-on experience and the willingness to learn just as much as formal education. Good luck with your job search and educational journey! 🚀
Thank you comment icon You rock! This advice is very helpful. Kaydra
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Kim’s Answer

Hi Kaydra
You have been given some excellent advice from mentors. One additional thought for you to consider is to gain some insight into your natural strengths and build your career options from there. Sometimes we feel like certain things come naturally to us and there is a lot of truth to that. However, we are not always sure how that translates into our career choices. By taking an assessment to better understand not only your true strengths, but also how they apply to career choices can be very helpful to your discovery process. There are several assessments available to help you. My favorite is StrengthsFinder. But, I encourage you to do your own research and find one that best suits your needs.
Best wishes on your journey.
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James Constantine’s Answer

Dear Kaydra,

As a recent high school graduate keen to dive into the field of psychology while concurrently undertaking an online college program, here's a practical guide to help you navigate your path:

1. Define Your Career Aspirations: Kickstart your job hunt by crystallizing your career aspirations. Are you aiming to be a clinical, counseling, or industrial-organizational psychologist? Each of these roles demands distinct educational qualifications and job responsibilities. Knowing your career aspirations will help you streamline your job search to match your long-term goals.

2. Explore Online College Programs: Search for accredited online colleges or universities offering psychology programs. Ensure the program is endorsed by a credible body like the American Psychological Association (APA). While choosing a program, consider aspects like course content, faculty credentials, tuition fees, and student support services.

3. Craft a Robust Resume: Your resume should highlight any relevant work experience, internships, or volunteer work. If you lack direct experience in psychology, include transferable skills like communication, problem-solving, and critical thinking. Customize your resume for each job application, emphasizing the qualifications and skills pertinent to the role.

4. Network: Networking is key to uncovering job opportunities in any field. Connect with high school or online college program alumni working in psychology. Participate in virtual career fairs and industry events to meet potential employers and discover job opportunities. Utilize social media platforms like LinkedIn to connect with professionals in your field of interest.

5. Apply for Entry-Level Positions: Seek out entry-level roles in the psychology field such as research assistant, mental health technician, or case manager. These roles can offer invaluable work experience and help you establish a professional network in the field.

6. Get Ready for Interviews: Once you start receiving interview calls, prepare meticulously for each one. Study the organization and understand its mission and values. Practice common interview questions and think of insightful questions to ask during the interview. Dress professionally and arrive early to leave a positive impression.

7. Follow Up: After each interview, send a thank-you note or email to show your gratitude for the opportunity and reaffirm your interest in the role. This simple act can distinguish you from other candidates and showcase your professionalism and enthusiasm.

By adhering to these steps, you can enhance your chances of landing a job that aligns with your career aspirations and allows you to pursue an online college program at the same time. Remember, securing the right job requires time and tenacity, so stay optimistic and keep refining your job search strategy as necessary.

May God bless you on your journey!
James Constantine.
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Cassie’s Answer

Hi Kaydra,

Congratulations on graduating high school! You've gotten some good advice here so far, so I'll just add something a bit different. When you're looking for your first job out of high school, it really doesn't matter what it is. Of course you want something you'll enjoy and ideally something in your desired field, but if you're looking to start building a resume, any professional experience will do. Showing dedication to a company, excelling in the workplace, working as a team, customer service, etc. are all extremely transferrable skills into any career. The most important things to do are show up on time, work well with your coworkers, have a good attitude, and get the job done. Once you have that experience and a good reference or two from outside your school life, then you will be a star candidate for more specialized jobs within your desired field.
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Patrick’s Answer

Kaydra, first, let me express my gratitude for your initiative in seeking guidance on your career journey. I trust the information provided below will shed light and offer assistance.

Just like you, many fresh high school graduates find the process of discovering a job that aligns with their career aspirations thrilling yet daunting. But don't worry, with a clear vision and a strategic plan, you're well on your way to embarking on an exciting career journey.

Start by setting aside some time for self-reflection to pinpoint your interests, strengths, and career objectives. This self-discovery process will help you narrow down your choices and concentrate on areas that genuinely resonate with you. Reflect on your passions, past work experiences, volunteer activities, or extracurricular involvement to gain insights into potential career paths.

Once you have a better understanding of your career objectives, you can start exploring entry-level job opportunities in your chosen field. Utilize online job boards, company websites, and career exploration platforms to identify job openings and learn about various industries. Make sure to read job descriptions thoroughly to understand the qualifications, skills, and experiences required for each role.

Given your eagerness to start working soon, you might want to focus on job opportunities that offer on-the-job training or don't require extensive experience. Entry-level positions, internships, apprenticeships, or roles in high-demand industries could be suitable options for you. Also, keep an open mind to diverse opportunities that may not directly align with your ultimate career goals but can offer valuable experience and skills development.

In addition, since you're interested in a fully online college program that can accommodate your work focus, you can look into accredited online education providers or colleges offering flexible and remote learning options. A wide range of institutions offer online programs in various fields, from business and healthcare to technology and liberal arts. Ensure you thoroughly research and compare different online programs, considering factors like program reputation, accreditation, curriculum, faculty expertise, and support services for online learners.

Remember, it's crucial to actively seek advice and guidance from mentors, career counselors, or professionals in your chosen field. Networking with experienced individuals can offer invaluable insights, advice, and potential job leads. Connect with professionals through online networking platforms like LinkedIn, industry-specific forums or groups, informational interviews, and networking events.

In conclusion, your most effective strategy as a fresh high school graduate to find a job that suits your career aspirations involves self-reflection, comprehensive research, active job searching, and exploring online education options. By identifying your career interests, researching job opportunities, considering online education programs, and seeking guidance from mentors, you're setting the stage for a successful start to your career journey.
Thank you comment icon I'm excited to put your great advice to good use! Kaydra