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what are some ways to make sure you pick something that you are passionate about and is their a wrong time to start over #spring23 #spring24

i'm going into 12th grade and I'm asking more how do you know you picked the right thing to study or is their a time to late to swich out of something and start new because i don't wanna go into something thinking it's my life goal and doing it, then hating or wanting to do something else

Thank you comment icon Consider these steps: Identify moments in your day that bring excitement or fulfillment. Pay attention to how you spend your time and money. Notice activities or topics in which you consistently engage. Consider topics you would love to teach or discuss with others. Passion often lies in these areas. Consider what skills or abilities come naturally to you? What aspects of a subject or activity captivate you? Research different career paths related to your interests. Exploring options can help discover your passion, As for starting over, it’s never too late. Life is about change, and evolving is natural Susan

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4 answers

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Katharine’s Answer

Hi, Abrianna, thanks for the great question!
I am equal parts happy and terrified to tell you that it is never too late to pick something new or start over. Every day is the first day of the rest of your life and you get to decide how to spend it.

Let's start with why this is terrifying. For me, as someone with anxiety and ADHD, the sheer number of potential avenues, careers, lives to live can be overwhelming. I don't think I am alone in sometimes wishing that someone would just tell me what to do, tell me what comes next, and reassure me that I am on the right path. But because there ARE so many available paths and because there really never is a 1000% Right Choice, no one can tell you what is right for you.

Which brings us to why this is so exciting: You get to decide. If you don't like something, if you try out a major and you don't like it or it's not how you thought it might be, you can change. You can decide when you stop going down one path and when you want to change direction. There may be hands guiding you, but YOU, Abrianna, make the choice. And the choices before you today are not mutually exclusive or comprehensively exhaustive. There are careers and paths and choices ahead of you that will surprise and delight you. And if you make a choice and it's not right for you, you can go back and choose again. The doors do not close, they simply change orientation.

There is a lot of pressure on you right now to decide what you want to be when you grow up so that you can decide what college to go to. When I was in 12th grade I was absolutely certain that I would go into Psychology, I would get my PhD, and that I would work with the State Department. Then I started school and found that Psychology wasn't it for me. So then I was going to go into emergency medicine. But it turned out I wasn't really interested in that, either. So then I was going to open a bakery, be a teacher, go back to school... and I still might! But not right now.

Ultimately I got my degree in Government and Politics, not in Psychology. I am not a teacher, I did not get my PhD, I do not work for the State Department. But all of the things I learned along those paths I started down made me who I am today. I did not understand at 18 how big the world was and that scared me. Now that I am 36 I feel like I can nearly comprehend how big the world of opportunity around us is, and I am excited to explore it.
Thank you comment icon Thank you for giving me advice. abrianna
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Thomas’s Answer

Not everyone knows what they're passionate about or what they want to do with the rest of their life. It's a hard decision. You don't need to choose something and stick with it the entire time you're in college- if you don't like what you're studying- CHANGE IT. In fact- that's encouraged. College is a time to decide if what you think is your passion really is your passion or not. I'm actually one of the rare ones, I knew I wanted to go into music, but now I have changed exactly what I want to do- I've added more interests and continue to learn more so that I can do everything I want to do. It is OK if you don't know what you want to do. It matters more that you don't end up going into a line of work that you hate doing and just let your life pass away doing what you hate every day.

My best friend is a special student because they tried college and it didn't really work for them so they kinda chose life the hard way and hoped around from job to job. After a few yours of doing that, they went back to school for Music and Audio Production (and that's how we met). They just turned 35 but they now know what they want to do with the rest of their life: music. The point of that story is that some people don't even know what they want to do until much after the "normal" college time. That's ok too. At least they ended up finding what they love to do. THAT should be your goal.

Is there something you especially enjoy doing that you do every day? Do you write? Work at some cool business? Draw or Paint? Play an instrument? Do you like one of your classes more than the others? Is there something you do in your free time that involves something you learned in school but you kept doing it? THESE are your potential life passions. THESE are what you should use to decide what you want to go into. If you like math, study math or science or learn to become a teacher. If you really like music, go learn about the intricate details of music theory or music composition or music education. If you like English class, learn how to write better or learn more about grammar or something. You can literally do ANYTHING!
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James Constantine’s Answer

Hello Abrianna!


I changed my course! People bought me telescopes so I was going to be an astronomer. When I was 15, our physics teacher started teaching us computing. I kept on teaching myself computer programming languages. I wrote software.

Then when I was 17 years old my uncle had a coronary. He died. He was only 38 years old. That was not all. Top it off his academic supervisor at another university was a biochemistry professor who turned up 15 years later at our new university. Professor Masters remembered my uncle.
What upset me was that the medical doctors had "worked on him for an hour". To no avail.

I changed my BS majors from physics and maths to biochemistry and nutrition. Then my father died of a coronary. He was 50 years of age. I knew medicine did not have the answers. My work experiences continued with nutrition and natural medicine.

Then I became a dietitian. That took a postgraduate diploma. It was too late to help my relatives on my father's side. Over the years I have seen thousands of patients in 50 hospitals and outpatient diet clinics. In 1994 a patient asked me for a two-week food menu.

All the dietitian-nutritionists were only handing out samples, and one-day menu plans. Many clients did not wish to perform the mathematical exercise of selecting, say for instance 4 foods from the bread and cereals group list (daily). 2 from the fruit group list, 4 (ounce portions) from the meat/protein group list, 1 starchy vegetable, 2 dairy, 3 teaspoons of fats, etcetera. Also massive amounts of water and free salad vegetables. Daily.

Enter Diet Wizard. In 1994 I commenced authoring food menu-generating nutrition education software.

Thank You!



Unleashing Your Passion and Determining the Ideal Moment for a Change

Deciphering Passion

Passion is a powerful, irresistible emotion that fuels people towards specific interests or activities. It's not just a passing fancy or a whim, but a profound, long-lasting connection that brings about satisfaction and happiness.

Spotting Your Passion

To spot your passion, ponder over these questions:

Which activities or topics do you relish doing or studying during your leisure time?
What engrosses you so much that you lose track of time?
What are your inherent strengths and talents?
Which issues or causes stir up strong emotions within you?
The Perfect Moment to Change

There's never a wrong moment to venture onto a new path or explore new interests. It's crucial to place personal development and joy above societal norms or external influences.

Aspects to Reflect Upon Before Making a Switch

Evaluate the practicality of making a switch, taking into account aspects like time, monetary resources, and your support network.

Weigh the potential advantages and disadvantages of making a change, including personal satisfaction, career prospects, and long-term objectives.

Seek wisdom and counsel from mentors, advisors, or experts in your field of interest.

Conquering Fear and Uncertainty

Adopt a growth mindset and perceive hurdles as opportunities for learning and growth.

Surround yourself with uplifting and positive people who inspire and motivate you.

Break down the change into smaller, achievable steps and rejoice in small triumphs along the journey.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, uncovering one's passion and the perfect moment to make a change demands introspection, evaluation, and strategizing. It's crucial to prioritize personal development and joy over external influences and to seek guidance and support from mentors and advisors.

Credible References Utilized:

Cal Newport, “How to Find Your Dream Job Without Losing Your Mind,” Grand Central Publishing, 2016.
Jeff Haden, “How to Find Your Passion (and Get Paid for It),”, 2018.
Laura Gassner Otting, “Limitless: How to Ignore Everybody, Carve Your Own Path, and Live Your Best Life,” Harvard Business Review Press, 2019.

God Bless You,
Thank you comment icon I appreciate this, thank you for the advice. abrianna
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Nicole’s Answer

Great question Abrianna,

This is great that you are pondering on this! Your passions are something that evolve over time as you get to experience things. I would highly suggest that you let your curiosity lead. Anything that you are interested in, try it! Determine what you like about it and what you don't. The more things you experience, the more things you may become passionate about.

On when to start over...You will create and recreate yourself continually and that is OK! Start over as many times as you need to. It is never too late! In my opinion, you when to start over/refocus when you struggle to complete tasks related to the activity. Not because they are challenging, but you aren't motivated to do the work, not even when you are good at it our successful at it.
Thank you comment icon Nicole, thank you! abrianna
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