How can I be a Teen actress if I have no experience ?
"How can I become an actress at 14 years if there are no local theatres and auditions" ?
I am 14 years old doing grade 8.
I live in Northern Cape in Kuruman.
I wish someone would choose me to act with them.When I grow up I want to be a medical doctor or a Lawyer.
How can I be a Teen actress if I have no experience ?
Thank you❤
4 answers
Michelle’s Answer
I am so happy to know how ambitious you are and although your interest in acting has some perceived barriers, there's always a way if you really want to act. Since there are no theatres or seen opportunities in your local area, do they have any acting programs in the school that you attend now ? Find out if they do plays or shows. You can ask one of your teachers or headmaster. Look around your school for on site opportunities.
If you discover that there are no opportunities to act whatsoever at school or in the community, you can start out by taking a few acting lessons online, because that may be your only way to learn and then practice on your own with monologues at first. While in school, try to learn about your classmates that are also interested in acting and maybe writing and directing. Collaborate with like-minded students and get the on site experience. It is important to build your skills and network because acting is a people oriented and collaborative field of work. Also, you can never tell when you will get cast in something so it's not really an activity one can put a quit date on. I mention that because you will be pursuing medical or law studies and it will not be something you can do while in college or medical or law school due to the demands and time requirements for both.
You can start by registering with one of the casting agencies in South Africa at the link I have left for referral information below. You will not seek agent representation at this time, rather submit your materials to casting agencies. Since I am thinking that you don't have experience, start out with the agencies and see what happens. You will need a portrait photo (headshot), a headshot from the waist up and one full length photo from head to toe because you never know what the particular agency will need from you. Then there is the resume. The best way to have this type of resume done with no experience would be to have someone help you with it and that would require a two way conversation in which the person interviews you about your experiences with work (paid or unpaid), education, skills that you do well and vital statistics. If there is a guidance counselor at your school, perhaps they would be in agreement to do it, but it does take a certain amount of knowledge as to how to create an acting resume when there is no previous acting experience. I have left a link for you below on how to do a resume if you have no acting experience. Keep in mind that acting should never interfere with your schooling and that an adult or parent will need to accompany you for interviews, auditions and projects that you work on. Also keep in mind that much of the work is done while you would be in school, so only commit to a project during the times you are not attending school during school breaks.
After you meet with other actors and people at your school, also think about doing some skits, plays or performance on video which you can upload to a video platform. That will provide experience for you, too.
Although filmmakers do make films where you live, the businesses where you live that are associated with film are more for the technical aspects of film, not actors. There is also no film office to consult with either. But if you begin at your school and register at the casting agencies in the link below, it will be the first steps to possibly starting to get some acting experience. It's not all that guaranteed, either, even if you live nearby many venues that hire actors, it will still be something that you will have to be patient with until you are hired.
This is just some general information and I do hope that it is helpful. Acting entails a lot of going out and getting, doing and discovering. It's a process and your results will depend on how hard you strive for it. I wish you all the best !
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Ricky’s Answer
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Adam’s Answer
Vale’s Answer
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