Career questions tagged ethic

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Yash2176 views

What is the importance of work ethic in whatever you do?

#work #ethic #workethic

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Caleb561 views

Are the working conditions following standard protocall?

#work #career #ethic

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Roosevon974 views

As a chemical engineer, do you realize any notable differences in the work ethics of female chemical engineers and male engineers? If so, what are some notable differences? If not, what are the similarities?

I am a female high school graduate who is looking to pursue a lifelong career in Chemical engineering. What drove me to ask this question is the simple fact that quite a few people have asked me why do I want to be a chemical engineer considering that I am a female, and "females just don't fit in careers like that?" I feel like this question can help people realize that females can be just as productive and are just as deserving of recognition as males are. #career #science #work #engineering #women #chemical #equality #ethic

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