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Nicolas B’s Avatar

Nicolas B

Sr Operational Compliance Lead
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
3 Answers
2446 Reads
11 Karma



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With over 15 years of accomplishments in the card payment industry, I have a reputation for “getting the job done”. I am skilled in overseeing all operational workflow compliance processes and bringing a record of improving organizational methodologies through efficiency and effectiveness management to boost performance and to reach the company end-goal.

I navigate in complex senior decision-making modus operandi and lead VISA clients business operations in coordinating our teams’ resources assuring the day-to-day operations run smoothly and methods of productivity and client satisfaction are in place whilst assuring Visa rules are adhered to.

Currently, I own and manage the business operations’ relationships of key Payment Card institutions in the countries under my responsibility: Spain, Andorra and Portugal to an extent. These are Principal Members, clients of Visa Europe who wish to issue cards and/or acquire Merchants.

In the past, at IT Associates in Brussels, I led a team of 8 in coordinating and monitoring the progress of projects to assure the flow and completion of work on schedule.

With an international experience, originally from France, I have worked in Cork (Rep. of Ireland); London (UK); Brussels (Belgium); now in Madrid (Spain) and done an internship following my MBC in Palo Alto (USA).

Personally, in 2002-2003 I have decided to experience life to its utmost in a once in a lifetime journey around the globe: 14 months, 29 flights, 19 countries.

Professionally, the journey continues.

Mantra: "Luck Happens when preparation meets opportunity" SENECA 300 BC.

Nicolas’ Career Stories

What is the one piece of career advice you wish someone gave you when you were younger?

Follow your gut! If you feel passionate about something or about a direction you wish to take: go for it! If the opportunity knocks onto your door, don't let it pass! Don't worry about the HOW for now, think about the WHAT drives you instead, what attracts you. Once you are clear, then the HOW will unfold itself: you will learn the skills as you get along. You may have read Ray Bradbury's quote:"Jump off the cliff, and build your wings on the way down!"