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Ashley’s Avatar


Grafton, Ohio
4 Questions
118 Karma

Ashley’s Career Goals

currently I am struggling to decide between two careers. A pediatric surgeon or a detective/investigator. I really like the idea of both but i don't know which one that I wanna actually pursue after high school.

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Ashley Oct 26, 2020 1132 views

Would being a coroner be good for some one who wants to be both a criminal investigator or detective and a surgeon at the same time?

Hello I am Ashley, I am in 9th grade and I am struggling to choose between a surgeon and a detective or investigator. I this performing autopsies would be great for me. Am i correct? #coroner #surgeon #detective

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Ashley Oct 26, 2020 1683 views

What are some other related occupations to a pediatric surgeon?

Hello I am Ashley and I am a freshman in high school. I am struggling to figure out what I should do for the rest of my life. #medical #children

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Ashley Oct 21, 2020 632 views

How many years of school would it take to become a pediatric brain surgeon?

I am in the 9th grade and I really love all things medical. #medical-school #surgery

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Ashley Oct 21, 2020 872 views

How many years of experience do you need to be a criminal investigator?

I have read that you need to have experience as a police officer before you can be an investigator. What is the minimum number of year before you can begin your job as an investigator, is there any degrees? #investigator #policeofficer #experience