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Stephanie Logan Jensen’s Avatar

Stephanie Logan Jensen

Services Specialist at Dell
Computer and Mathematical Occupations - Sales and Related Occupations
Nashville, Tennessee
7 Answers
19928 Reads
31 Karma

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Tina’s Avatar
Tina Jul 03, 2016 4826 views

do I need history if I want to study law?

Im taking a turn of the career im taking.

Shianne’s Avatar
Shianne May 16, 2016 1532 views

If I go into special education would I be stuck in that field?

I have heard this is true. #teaching #teacher #special-needs

Joshua’s Avatar
Joshua Jun 28, 2014 1408 views

What types of careers are available for someone who majors in history?

I like history a lot and I am thinking about possibly switching my major to history and school but I wanted to see what careers were out there for people with a history degree. #teacher #history

Melanie’s Avatar
Melanie May 16, 2016 1095 views

Everyday life

Is living at home while attending college a good idea? Would it be more stressful with your parents and siblings around? #nursing-education

AnaNFTEBxAero’s Avatar
AnaNFTEBxAero Mar 08, 2012 3241 views

How do I find the perfect career for me?

I am a junior in high school. I am 17 years-old and I still have no clue what profession i would like to pursue. Because of this it is quiet difficult for me to pick a good college. #career-choice

Olga’s Avatar
Olga Apr 08, 2014 3903 views

What advantages do i have going to college?

I want to go to college.