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John Conning’s Avatar

John Conning

freelance animator
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
4 Answers
5062 Reads
41 Karma

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Chelsea’s Avatar
Chelsea Dec 12, 2019 643 views

What steps do I have to take to become an animator?

I like art and I doodle all the time, and I’ve always been told I should become an animator. What are some steps I can take to become one? #art #artist #animation

Angela’s Avatar
Angela Mar 15, 2019 816 views

What type of animation is easiest/most fun?

There's lots of different computer animating types and i don't know which one is best for me. i like to make flipbooks but there is also video editing/ green screening. I like to do both but don't know which one is more fun and better paying. So if anyone knows please tell me. #animate...

Collette’s Avatar
Collette May 18, 2016 1039 views

Do you have to go to an artsy school to end up in an artsy profession?

I'm going to a Jesuit, education-focused school for my education, but I got into a very exclusive Design program. I want to work at a major animation company (Disney, Pixar, Laika, etc.). Will this allow enough of an education to have a baseline skillset for such a competitive industry?...

Chris’s Avatar
Chris Apr 07, 2014 1816 views

what would be the best animation software to start with?

I am very interested in becoming an animator and I would love to start #animation #visual-arts