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Rachel’s Avatar


Vine Grove, Kentucky
4 Questions
381 Karma

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Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Sep 20, 2016 1346 views

Which is better to take, zoology or wildlife biology?

Which one, when taken at college, looks better to employers? #college-major #zoology #wildlife-biology

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Rachel Sep 20, 2016 864 views

which is better, a bachelor's or master's?

which one looks better to employers? #career #masters

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Sep 19, 2016 3157 views

Are online colleges as good as normal colleges?

I am considering going to an online college. #college #college-major #college-selection

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Sep 19, 2016 1624 views

What is the best college to go to, to major in ethology?

I want to know which college offers the best course. #college-major #animals #behavior #animal-behavior #ethology