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Brock’s Avatar


Elk River, Minnesota
3 Questions
126 Karma

Brock’s Career Goals

I want to get a masters in computer science and become a system analyst

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Brock’s Avatar
Brock Feb 16 338 views

Whats the best way and strategy to get hired?

Other then work experience, what personal skill and attributes do you need to have the people hiring you like you the most? Is there a strategy to gettting hired? What is something you should do to prepare for an interview so they will like you the most? What are they usually looking for in an...

Brock’s Avatar
Brock Feb 16 276 views

Are you making more now then when you started your career?

Why would your salary change depending on your time? How much experience in your workplace does it take to usually get a raise? Does it really all depend on your work exeirence to get a raise or do they also look at the person who you are and determine if you deserve a raise or not?

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Brock Feb 16 392 views

Do you wish you would have done something else and why?

Do you wish you were to do something else then what you chose to do in college? Why do you wish that you should or shouldn't have done something different in college? What do you wish you would have done different?