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Indianapolis, Indiana
2 Questions
106 Karma

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Maxene Oct 21, 2016 1446 views

Which major would be more beneficial: Biomedical Engineering or Music Technology?

I love the STEM field and music, but I'm having a hard time choosing which major would be more beneficial in the long run. As well, after graduating from college, I would like to go into a career that I would enjoy, and not just do for the money. #science #college-major #technology #music...

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Maxene Oct 21, 2016 986 views

How would minorities be successful with a degree in Biomedical Engineering?

I know there is a small percentage of minority ethnicities within the STEM field, and I wanted to know if it would be a field worth going into, considering it's predominantly Caucasian. #engineering #science #biomedical-engineering #stem