Breanna’s Career Goals
I want to work hands-on with animals and would go into any career that helps me achieve that goal.
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What did animal physical therapists major in when they went to college?
I was thinking of becoming an animal physical therapist because of the salary and because I get to work hands-on with animals. I have looked into biology as a major but I'm not sure if I should go through with biology or psychology as a major. There's also animal science so I'm just wondering...

Should I aim for dog trainer or dog groomer as a career?
I know that both professions require you to work directly with dogs, but I wanted to know how someone who chose to be a dog groomer or dog trainer knew that was the path they wanted to go down. They both sound appealing to me and I want to choose the one that makes me happier. I also wonder if...

What majors are for animal care careers?
What should I major in to work hands-on with animals (animal care like brushing, feeding, cleaning, walking, or training them)? I looked into zoology, psychology, and animal science and I don't know if any of them are what I'm looking for. I also don't know if I should go to college for this...