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Kansas City, Missouri
3 Questions
186 Karma

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Jorge ’s Avatar
Jorge Feb 25, 2015 1377 views

Computer Engineer or Automotive Engineer?

I enjoy the concepts of both computer and automotive engineering, but I don't know which one to choose as my career. What are some things that I should look at when making my final decision? What are the benefits of choosing one over the other? Is there any way to combine the two in order to...

Jorge ’s Avatar
Jorge Feb 25, 2015 1864 views

How do I know what college is right for me?

I want to go to college to get my degree and get on path for a long, successful career, but I don't just want to go to work. I want to have fun while I'm there. What should I look for to make sure I enjoy my experience in college.? #college #university #school #advice #fun

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Jorge Feb 18, 2015 1164 views

Computer engineering high school class suggestions

Hello, I am a sophomore in high school and I will be entering my Junior year in the fall. I want to chase a career in computer engineering and I want to know what classes you suggest I take in preparation for my college years. Thank You for reading. :) #college #computer-engineering #high-school