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Do you guys love your job because of the pay or because of what you do?


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11 answers

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Kim’s Answer


I have been retired from law enforcement for ten years. The pay honestly was not all that great when I first started , and did not get "good" until the year before I left. Things have changed, which I will get to in a minute. The things I liked about it:

  1. Didn't have to deal with creating a professional wardrobe, or deciding what to wear
  2. Was not sitting at a desk all day long
  3. each day was different, and, while there were times of boredom, there were variations from day to day
  4. independence - not under the immediate watchful eye of the supervisor. Was able to exercise independent judgement, and, I appreciated that my superiors were confident in my ability to do so
  5. camaraderie - we had a great group of officers - it was nice to be able to joke around, throw insults, and have a good time together. And you knew the others would be there if you needed them.
  6. the job! - people looked up to you, expected you to be able to resolve conflict, and all that stuff. It was usually the little things you did that made the difference - changing a flat tire, talking to kids, etc. Looking for and catching bad guys is exciting for only the first couple of years. (IMHO)

What has changed in ten years? You have to assume that everything you say and do is being recorded. Some depts require that bodycams be on at all times, and if not bodycams, then, expect the citizens to be recording you. These recordings limit your ability to do GOOD for people just as much as they limit your ability to do bad. Dumping out alcohol in the possession of minors, or a little bit of weed, are examples.

Please, do not go into law enforcement for the money (if that is what you are contemplating). You have to be able to deal with people, and adjust your personal life to some pretty crazy hours. You might miss your kids' games, band recitals, etc., work holidays, etc etc. Your decisions are sometimes Monday-morning quarterbacked and you feel like you are the bad guy rather than the good guy. You learn to deal with it all because you love the job - not because of the money!

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Teresa’s Answer

I love my job as an engineering program manager for Dell Technologies because of the pay AND because of what I do.   I determine timelines, resources, and features for new products, working with teams in Santa Clara, CA and in Austin, TX and Bangalore, India.  I practice Agile software development methodology, which is collaborative. 

Teresa recommends the following next steps:

Figure out a job you love to do.
Look up the pay rates online
Realize that your starting pay will be much lower, generally, than your ending pay
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Kimberly’s Answer

A little of both - otherwise you may not have made the best choice. You have to pick something that sustains the minimum lifestyle you want to / need to live. But considering the amount of time you will spend in your chosen career, you need to like it alot if not love it. Often getting started is taking the steps to get to the job you love so no worries in just enjoying the ride with a bit of patience as you pay your dues to climb. Make sure to get mentors along the way who can help you achieve this and network along the way to make yourself known.

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Jyoti’s Answer

Hi Andres,

Definitely a good question.

This depends on the financial status and the need of a person as well. But we cannot do some work which don't give us job satisafaction just because of money.

When i started my career i was in need of money to fulfil the family requirements. But definitely enjoyed the job and the type of work i did. So select a field which interests you and where you want to find yourself in after couple of years too.

All the best!!
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Cicily’s Answer

Love what you do, so you can like it everday-, Cicily Smith

What is your dream?

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Kim’s Answer


That's a really good question, and I can honestly say, I love what I do. I'm a Staffing Manager and there is nothing better than extending a job offer to an candidate who so excited to be getting their dream job! There are times that this career can be stressful with long hours, but I not only make an impact on job seekers, but also for AT&T and its customers. You should love what you do!

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Shravan’s Answer

Hi Andres.

Good question. The money/pay might motivate to do my job but it's the job satisfaction that matters, it's not about just doing your job but it's important that you understand what you are learning from the job and what value you are adding to that job; although I eagerly wait for my pay check every month, it's very satisfying to know that I've earned that paycheck :)

So, yes, I love my job because of what I do :)

Thank you.

Shravan Ponnappa C.K
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Shannon’s Answer

I would definitely say both. Keep in mind that your first few jobs may not be a job you love. Try to get a job working for a company that has jobs you are interested in, even though you may have to start off in an entry level position. I can honestly say that once I got into a job that I enjoyed, I became a better employee. Enjoying my work made it easier for me to be a loyal employee and hard worker. Once that happened, more opportunities became available. Companies and management often recognize great employees, trust them, and reward them with opportunities for advancement. The opportunities may get you into a job you LOVE and provide more pay. The better an employee is, the more opportunities may become available. (Sarah Klongerbo , 2019).

In a way, your question is asking what our top motivator is. Keep in mind that money and job enjoyment are not the only things that motivate people; motivators can be as diverse as people. It is important for you to understand what motivates you now and that as your life changes throughout the years, your motivations probably will too. (Glenn Llopis, 2012). For example, when I was younger, pay was my top priority and I didn’t really think about benefits. Now that I am in my fifties, even though I need money to help support myself and my family, work/life balance is a higher motivator for me now.

Also, always remember that when you have something already, you might take it for granted and look at it as a low priority. When it is gone, it may become a higher priority for you. For example, you have a job where you really enjoy your co-workers and the teamwork. You may think your top priorities are pay and opportunities for advancement. You advance into a new position, but your new team is hard to work with and unhelpful. Where would you place teamwork on your list of priorities/motivators now? Motivations can change often, and those changes can be attributed to your current situation.

Here are a couple of links with some interesting information on what motivates professionals.


Glenn Llopis. (2012, 6 4). The Top 9 Things That Ultimately Motivate Employees to Achieve. Retrieved from Forbes:

Sarah Klongerbo . (2019, 1 29). Don’t Hold Us Back: Motivate Employees with Opportunities for Growth at Work. Retrieved from 9 Clouds:

Shannon recommends the following next steps:

Research personal and professional motivators
Prioritize what is important to you
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Tiffany’s Answer

I'm a recruiter and I love my job because of what I do. I have the opportunity to work with people from all different backgrounds. Pay is important as well but remember it is also not the end all be all. Ultimately I do love my job because of the people I get to work with. Pay and the actual role is important, but when you are looking for jobs, remember to find a work environment where you will enjoy your colleagues. This will definitely make your job more rewarding!
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Kathy’s Answer

I love my job because of what I do and because of the pay. If you don't love your job then you probably wont care for the pay either. If you love what you do, you're going to always be motivated to work hard and eventually the pay will be worth it.

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LaVerne’s Answer

I love my job because of a few items:  Pay of course a major consideration, benefits, people, proximity to home, work environment, and education/training for improvement/advancement.  As far as the job tasks, there are always challenging days but when you have ended the day on something that was accomplished that day, it is rewarding.