What schools are best if you want to go into psychiatry, or does the school not really matter?
I want to become a psychiatrist and am starting to look at different med schools that I could go to. Are certain schools better if I want to go into psychiatry, or does the school not really matter as much? #college #doctor #medicine #psychology #college-major #medical-school #psychiatry
4 answers
Rachel’s Answer

William Hervey, M.D., M.B.A.
William’s Answer
All psychiatrists take the same national tests and board exam. Any accredited medical school will afford you the opportunity to learn everything you need to know to become an excellent psychiatrist. More important than the medical school you will attend is your personal commitment to learning what you need to do. Having said that, students at allopathic medical schools (at which you earn an M.D.) tend to do better on the national standardized tests than students who attend osteopathic schools of medicine (at which you earn a D.O.).
Attending a "name" medical school like Harvard or Johns Hopkins is only important if you plan to make your career in academic medicine: research, teaching, etc.
I attended a public medical school and yet am on the faculty of two different Colleges of Medicine, regularly publish articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
Which medical school you attend is far less important than your commitment to learning all you can about medicine.
William recommends the following next steps:
Alexander’s Answer
I wouldn't recommend choosing a school based on the kind of specialty you want to pursue. 99.9% of your specialty training will come during residency. Instead, choose a school that feels right for you, whether that's based on faculty, location, type of area (rural vs urban vs suburban), etc.
medical-school medicine psychiatry residency
Richard’s Answer
Pick a college that suits your personality and a major that interests you. You will need to get good grades in college in order to apply for medical school. At the medical school I attended, the average GPA is reported to be 3.85, so even one or two B's can hurt your chances of acceptance.