8 answers
8 answers
ASLON’s Answer
Hi, I switched my major once. I was set on Management and after taking a Marketing class I made the change. I think it would be a good idea to take as many generic courses earlier so you can get exposed to the different focuses and you may find something much more of interest to you. The sooner you do that earlier in your schooling the better so that the classes you take count and you don't extend your time if your goal is to get done in 4 years.
John’s Answer
When I was in college, I switched my major 3 times. I entered college as a Business Administration major. I switched my major to Computer Science in my second semester. By the end of my third semester, I realized that I was not a good fit for Computer Science, so I switched my major to Management at the beginning of my fourth semester. I became interested in accounting after taking my first course and talking to my accounting professor about the profession. I switched my major to Accounting with a minor in management at the beginning my fifth semester and it was the best decision I made in college. After switching so many times, I was still able to earn my undergraduate degree within four years.
Selina’s Answer
Yes I switched from a Psychology major to Computer Science and never looked back.
Kate’s Answer
I took a variety of classes at first because I was unsure what to focus on. Criminology, philosophy, art.... you name it. I decided on business but after 2.5 years changed my mind to interior design. Not all of my previous classes transferred though. For example, micro/macroeconomics and accounting aren't required for an interior design degree but my basic math and english classes did transfer. Because of this, I ended up staying in college for 6-7 years to complete my degree. In hindsight, I could have completed my business degree and selected a masters in interior design. I do believe that business-related skills are important and I wish that more was taught in my program.
Gloria’s Answer
Hi Karoline,
I changed my major at least five times before I got my diploma. Of course, it also took me 17 years to be my Bachelor's degree. Why? I hadn't really considered a few things.
I had focused on one thing and one thing only, Journalism. I had not considered enough majors before choosing one. I just didn't have a lot of life experience. I didn't start college in the Internet age. I would say research the jobs you could get based on a major. What jobs interest you? Some jobs have multiple majors that you could take and be successful in the job. My job, Instructional Design, has many majors that could serve you well in this position - English, Creative Writing, Computer Science, Graphic Design, any arts that include creating videos or animation, as well as Education.
Also understand elements outside impacts to the degree. I actually knew my major when I went to college at 18. I wanted to write so I chose Journalism as a major. I even chose my university based on that major. However, I did not consider how competitive a project like that would be. So when you look at majors, learn as much as you can about what having that major entails. Unless the job that you want would benefit from a specific college, I would say choose a college based on its overall benefits, not just based on a major.
I changed my major at least five times before I got my diploma. Of course, it also took me 17 years to be my Bachelor's degree. Why? I hadn't really considered a few things.
I had focused on one thing and one thing only, Journalism. I had not considered enough majors before choosing one. I just didn't have a lot of life experience. I didn't start college in the Internet age. I would say research the jobs you could get based on a major. What jobs interest you? Some jobs have multiple majors that you could take and be successful in the job. My job, Instructional Design, has many majors that could serve you well in this position - English, Creative Writing, Computer Science, Graphic Design, any arts that include creating videos or animation, as well as Education.
Also understand elements outside impacts to the degree. I actually knew my major when I went to college at 18. I wanted to write so I chose Journalism as a major. I even chose my university based on that major. However, I did not consider how competitive a project like that would be. So when you look at majors, learn as much as you can about what having that major entails. Unless the job that you want would benefit from a specific college, I would say choose a college based on its overall benefits, not just based on a major.
Wayne’s Answer
Hi Karoline. I switched my major once during my first semester in undergrad. I switched from Finance to Management Information Systems (MIS). After reading through the MIS curriculum, I found it more interesting than Finance so I switched my major. It was a great decision for me personally.
If you are going to change your major, I highly recommend doing so as early as possible. Changing your major later can lead to you spending more time in college to get your degree and the longer you are in school, the more money you will have to spend to graduate.
Whatever decision you make, make it as early as possible and make sure that it is the right decision for you.
Good luck!
If you are going to change your major, I highly recommend doing so as early as possible. Changing your major later can lead to you spending more time in college to get your degree and the longer you are in school, the more money you will have to spend to graduate.
Whatever decision you make, make it as early as possible and make sure that it is the right decision for you.
Good luck!
Yasemin’s Answer
Hi Karoline! Personally I haven't switched my major but I met a couple individuals who did. One of my classmates switched from Chemistry as a major to Economics and she was really happy with it. Sometimes you experience different classes and end up liking one area more; I did much of chemistry so I ended with a minor in it that was unexpected but very helpful and fun!
Best of luck!
Best of luck!
Jennifer’s Answer
Hi, Karoline!
Fun Fact: the average college student changes his/her major SEVEN (7) times!
With so much to choose from, it is often difficult for new students to know what they want to study when they enter college. Typically, in high school, students have 8-10 subjects. Colleges and universities, on the other hand, have over 300 majors on average to choose from!
Don't worry about changing your major. Find what's right for you. Take coursework in various disciplines to explore your options. AND have fun in the process!
Fun Fact: the average college student changes his/her major SEVEN (7) times!
With so much to choose from, it is often difficult for new students to know what they want to study when they enter college. Typically, in high school, students have 8-10 subjects. Colleges and universities, on the other hand, have over 300 majors on average to choose from!
Don't worry about changing your major. Find what's right for you. Take coursework in various disciplines to explore your options. AND have fun in the process!