Does your overall career choice satisfy your personal goals in life?
Hi my name is DeMarcus and I am a rising college freshman hoping to attend either Old Dominion or Radford University. My pursued major of choice is Information Technology. Reasons for my pursuit is because of my love for computer technology and helping people in the same manner. Technology will always be the future of the world so what better major to study in than technology? Everyone wants to have their career be something they love, but many don't get to achieve that feet. I know I will achieve it simply because of my love for technology and for the way the world is now since technology is being implemented in everyday life. #technology #career-counseling #information-technology #parenting
7 answers
Imane’s Answer
Absolutely, just keep dreaming of what you really love and you will achieve it.
Walt Disney said once: "All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them"
Sonya Denham
Sonya’s Answer
Hi De Marcus,
When searching for a career you should always consider your interest,values and skills.
If you evaluate all those things you will most certainly fulfill your personal and career goals. ..
I hope this helps .Good luck....
Go for it!!!!!!
Dennis’s Answer
Sometimes your personal Goals may not matchup with your overall Career choice - But that’s Ok!
You can still expand on your Goals reach them if not all eventually but if your content and are always progressing and look forward to each day at your Career job - You will always be rewarded!
“I always believed that if you put in the work the results will come...”
Good Luck!
Jenna’s Answer
DeMarcus, I absolutely agree with the answers that you have received so far. I would also like to add one additional perspective that has served me very well. "Think BIG Picture" .... You mentioned that you like to help people. Instead of starting out for just one job or field, consider looking for a company that has a host of "jobs" you would enjoy doing where you feel you would be helping people. It's great to build your skillset moving between positions, and much easier to do within the same company when you don't have to learn a new industry, corporate culture etc. And absolutely enjoying what you do, will help you achieve life goals, as happiness is contagious. Positivity fuels everything worthwhile.
Maria’s Answer
Sometimes your personal goals aren't defines until after you have chosen a career. You may pick a career, follow it through college, and earn your degree only to find that once you are in the career, it is not what you expected, want to do, or your life events have changed your outlook and personal goals. This is where I offer that some of us need to keep Agile to be able to pivot to something new. Find your passion, and go with that. If there isn't a "career" path for it, create it for yourself. Ask, what do you see 10 years from now if you stuck to your passion, and got paid for it.
Sonya’s Answer
Hi ,
Experts from various fields have always said to do what you love because you would be the best at it and if a certain subject interests you ,you would be working since its your passion and not something your forced to pursue. The question about your passion or interest fulfilling your personal goals since your passionate about your work or field of study failure would just mean a learning or stepping stone for success . Just follow your heart everything else would fall in place !!
Felicia G’s Answer
Hi DeMarcus! I LOVE what I do every day!
My favorite quote: Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. Confucius