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Sonya Denham’s Avatar

Sonya Denham

Workforce Development Education/ First Generation College Guidance /Student Support/ Allied Health College Instructor
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
Baltimore, Maryland
2 Answers
2666 Reads
1 Karma

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DeMarcus’s Avatar
DeMarcus Oct 22, 2016 1679 views

Does your overall career choice satisfy your personal goals in life?

Hi my name is DeMarcus and I am a rising college freshman hoping to attend either Old Dominion or Radford University. My pursued major of choice is Information Technology. Reasons for my pursuit is because of my love for computer technology and helping people in the same manner. Technology will...

AveryAna’s Avatar
AveryAna May 15, 2016 976 views

Hello, Neo-natal is the field I would like to pursue. What classes should I take in college to help pursue me in this certain direction?

I love helping others and being able to know what classes I can take right now in high school as well as in college would be very beneficial and helpful. #teacher #college-admissions #neonatal #admissions-counseling