I started learning to code in 11th grade but I was never into it. I participated in many workshops, different programs but I never seem to enjoy it. I love business, I love photography filmmaking I also love technology but not coding. My ultimate goal was a career in tech but it seems like I have to study computer science. For my other career choices, such as Business administration, Psychology, Finance, or investment I received a lot of feedback that it will be difficult because these industries are really competitive. I only did 1 semester in computer science last fall I'm trying to get back, what should be my main strategy to determine which major will fit me best? Thank You
#computer-science #finance #technology #business
23 answers
Dexter’s Answer
I believe that all industries are competitive and that there is no "easy" career, with the exception of careers that you really enjoy doing. Your enjoyment of your job will make it "easy", and will allow you to do your best, which will give you an advantage over your peers. Thus, if you do not enjoy Computer Science, I would advise you to sit in some intro classes for Business Administration, Psychology, and Finance to see if any of those peak your interest.
One thing though, how many units do you have before you earn your bachelors? If you're really close to your degree, maybe it'll be more prudent for you to finish your CS degree, then pursue a MBA? Or maybe you can still target a CS major, but take some extra classes to get a minor in psychology or finance?
I wish you the best, and I hope you find your way.
Ajay’s Answer
First of all, it's totally fine where you're at. Clarity emerges when you go deeper into what draws you in.
I work in technology mostly in the area of embedded firmware development / security / APIs, but I've always had a leaning towards music, films and the arts. I've made short films, acted in theater, played guitar/bass with a band, moonlighted as a photographer, volunteered as a life coach, taught myself to DJ etc all while pursuing a full time tech job. I've thoroughly enjoyed doing these things and they have shaped me in becoming who I am today, even though I have not taken them up as a profession.
I invite you to read the book Ikigai, or to start with, take a look at this venn diagram from the book. You can google for Ikigai and this will pop-up, but here's a link. https://zekluu.com/en/self-development-ikigai-el-sentido-de-la-vida/
We must discover what we're good at, what we love doing, what we can be paid for and what the world needs. These can be vastly different things. In this process of discovery, you'll find your Ikigai - the culmination of all these. The sweet spot.
Hope this helps.
Good luck!
Pramod’s Answer
It is good that you are questioning the choices you have before you. I feel you need to take a few days off and think over things you are good at.
Better to write down the choices, see what path they may take you down the years and decide which major(s) fit each of these paths.
Again, you need to enjoy the journey of your life and see that the major(s) that you take will hopefully make it interesting.
Life is not necessarily what you accomplish but how you shape-up as a person.
Coding / computer programming is just one part of your career [and career is one part of your life] and you need not fret if you are not getting it yet.
Since you are at a major crossroad in your life at this juncture, try to take a path that closely matches what you are good at, what interests you and hopefully gets you a good job that pays well.
As Jeff Bezos says, most of the decisions in life can be reversed if they don't go as per plan but since this once is not exactly reversible in a true sense, try to make a judicious decision.
All the best and may the force be with you!
- Pramod
Rahul’s Answer
Don't force yourself to do something if you don't enjoy it. Instead, figure out what you DO want to do and think about how you want to get there.
You don't need to do computer science to have a successful career in tech. Many sales people, product managers, business developers, even C-suite folks don't know how to code.
Given what you said about photography, tech and business, you sound like a creative and commercial person. To be able to think outside the box and combine that with entrepreneurial spirit is a rare but rewarding combination.
I would suggest looking at something like Business administration. It will give you a broad and practical understanding of many topics, including finance, tech and others you listed above. It allows you to be flexible should you want to change course down the line, which is very common.
So what if they say Business administration, Psychology, Finance, or investment is difficult? Nothing is going to be easy anyway.
As the quote goes: "Feel the fear....... and do it anyway."
Happy to chat any time.
All the best,
Arvind’s Answer
nithyapriya’s Answer
All the best for your future!!!!!!!!
Naomi’s Answer
If you do not like to code, I would highly recommend finding something you do like. It's important to your wellbeing to like what you do. Business Administration is a great place to start and can help if you choose to start a photography/filmmaking business later.
Phil’s Answer
Coding is just one small part of the tech industry: used by the engineers that actually implement the software. There are many other essential parts surrounding the raw software engineering. e.g. Business administration, finance, sales marketing, graphic design, ...
However even though your job may not require day-to-day coding, I think having experience in doing some coding is an important aspect of development.
Gary’s Answer
Your career can be a journey rather than a destination. Let's say you work in technology. As you start working deeper in programming, you may find that you're more interested in networking or network architecture. There are so many different areas that you could eventually end up. Building a good foundation for yourself is important, with something solid like business. And then, never stop learning.
Janavi’s Answer
Hope you are doing well.
Regarding your confusion I would like to share my own personal experience which matches with yours as per the beginning part of not liking to code, I am right now in my Third year of computer engineering and I would say it is not all about coding, definitely when you learn something new and get stuck for a while you start to develop a kind of fomo which I totally understand. Yes but coding is an integral part of computer science and cannot be completely ignored, well you can take this as a benefit of adding to your skills as it has great value. In computer science too, there are many domains to explore which are quite interesting. But, you have to overcome and talk and communicate with your professors, they would surely help you and when you start to learn new things as time goes you would enjoy it. Well, not all fields are easy and each profession has it's own struggles so not a piece of cake. If you know your passion, undoubtedly follow it. You are interested in Business, you can aspire MBA after pursuing computer science it will majorly help you. And, all the very best, life has many crossroads, be calm and choose your path wisely.
Karen’s Answer
Settling on your major is not the most important career choice you will make, it will be just one of the many opportunities and choices you will be faced with. Computer science, business administration, and finance are all flexible options that don't force you into one specific job. For now, just look at the class requirements for each of these majors and think about which ones sound the most interesting to you. You will also have to push through some tough classes that aren't as enjoyable too, no matter what major you choose, so don't let one class or professor get you down.
Alex’s Answer
Jeffrey’s Answer
My college degree is in History and I now work in Technology area. This is not the journey that I had planned. I wanted to originally wanted to become a tax lawyer, but for a variety of reason it did not happen that way. One of the best decisions I made was to switch my focus and therefore my major to something that I enjoyed vs something that I felt I needed to follow . As i pursued my degree in history I learned how to think critically and solve problems based the teachings of history. Several of my close friends followed similar paths that took them in different directions. I think a liberal arts or liberal sciences degree will be great for you so you can pursue different areas. That journey will take you to something that will be your passion and getting a job in a related field will then become apparent to you. Companies are looking for employees who have the right skillset that show you can make good decisions, be collaborative and are able to learn new things as they will have to train you on "their way" of doing things. So if you wanted to be a computer programmer college would give yo the basis, but your new company wil have to teach how to take the basics and tweak them in a way that follows their model.
Hope this helps and Good luck!
Peregrin’s Answer
I will give you my background for some context. I have double BA in Poli Sci and Russian Studies, I have a MA in Russian East European Studies. I spent have of my career managing IT teams, starting as project manager of IT projects, which really was a lot of Business Analyst role, then was given responsibility for managing my first global application. At the peak of my IT career, I had 70 staff located around the US and and India and had direct responsibility for maybe 6 - 10 large scale applications.
I now work on new product development. In an Agile or Scrum model, there is a big push to the Product Owner (a Scaled Agile term) who is responsible for the user stories, priority, and works both with the business side to create the user stories and understand their relative value, and the IT side to understand how big / feasible the user stories are and the like.
That all said, if photography and film are your passion, you might consider what type of lifestyle would you need to lead to be able to do them and live, because it is very true that if you are not doing something you love to do, you can get trapped, and lose an opportunity to follow that dream, because your life has taken on more (family, homes, children, etc...) to be able to start over.
Best of luck. Hope this helped.
Gilberto’s Answer
In my opinion, you would need to focus on something that you really enjoy doing. As you comment you love business, technology, and photography, and in this case you have options, but which one is right for you? Is a thought decision, but try to make a path that matches what you love to do and you're good at, hopefully, that path will lead you to a good job that pays well.
I have some kind of situation in the past when I was heading to become an MD, I have the opportunity to experience it and in the end, I realize that was not something that I would love to do. Fortunately, I was taking computer science classes as well at the same time, and on this one, I feel really good because I was and still enjoying it.
Hope this message helps you.
I wish you all the best.
- Gilberto