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Ryan Primmer’s Avatar

Ryan Primmer

Business and Financial Operations Occupations
New York, New York
5 Answers
4564 Reads
1 Karma

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Isabelle’s Avatar
Isabelle Sep 17, 2021 702 views

what are the most important things to consider when choosing a major?

I'm indecisive about my major and I just want some advice that'd help me choose the right one for myself and my future. #college #major

Areeba’s Avatar
Areeba May 24, 2021 872 views

How do I pick a college major based on my diverse interests?

I am very interested in bio and computer but I have no interest in chem and physics .I am interested in business studies, economics and accounts and I want a quick degree which takes no more than 3 years.I need advice!!
#business #major #college #economics #CS #biology

Dieulens’s Avatar
Dieulens Jul 03, 2021 1647 views


I started learning to code in 11th grade but I was never into it. I participated in many workshops, different programs but I never seem to enjoy it. I love business, I love photography filmmaking I also love technology but not coding. My ultimate goal was a career in tech but it seems like I...

lily’s Avatar
lily Sep 17, 2021 1208 views

What is the most stressful thing about working in a office?

I have an interest in the financial field, like financial planning or accounting. #finance

Kelvin’s Avatar
Kelvin Sep 15, 2021 828 views

How has your experience been like working for an investment management firm?

I interned at an investment management firm this summer, but I'd like to learn more about the experiences of other analysts, portfolio managers, and other professionals.
#investment-management #finance #business #economics