Are the big four are the first choice for Finance/Accounting graduates?
The big four (Deloitte, EY, PwC, or KPMG) are my first option as a Finance student after I graduate. Is it the right step for me after I graduate? Should I work there for experience and move onto different company that can draw a more stable, clear, or suitable career path towards retirement? #business #finance #accounting #graduate #financial-accounting
11 answers

Guilaine Saroul
Guilaine’s Answer
Iman’s Answer
George’s Answer
Nicole’s Answer
Hi Abdulwahab! I would say that joining a Big 4 after you graduate is a great step if you aren't exactly sure what you want to do with your degree. In joining a Big 4, you work with so many different people with diverse backgrounds that you learn so much more about yourself and what you want to do in the future! I had no idea that I wanted to work in IT Auditing while I was in school, but I took a chance and joined the Risk Assurance group at PwC and I have loved it ever since. Joining a Big 4 allows you to gain different experiences so that you can determine what you do like and what you don't like. I have really enjoyed my time working for a Big 4 firm and I am really glad that I decided to join PwC after graduating.
Maggie’s Answer
Similar to what Guilaine said, I would use your experiences when networking or in interviews with different firms to get a feeling of who you think you'd enjoy working with. When I was in grad school I applied to an internship with a Big 4 mostly on a whim. After the interviewing process I chose to do an internship with them and now I work for them full time. It ended up being the best decision for me, but I think it depends more on who you think you'd mesh with and enjoy working with. I personally think that who you work with plays a huge role in how much you end up enjoying your job and career. Hope this helps, and good luck!
Anthony’s Answer
I think starting your career at a big four firm is a great option for both accounting and finance students. I have colleagues who have majored in accounting and finance and have went this track and have went into areas at the big four that were more relevant to them based on their particular interests, there are many options at big four. You learn a ton at the big four in a short period of time and have large amounts of personal growth and that is a major reason why big four experience is very highly regarded in the accounting/finance industries. If you went the big four route and you decided to leave big four one day, you will see how many recruiters/companies value this experience and you will even see some job descriptions that have big four experience listed as a requirement or preference which will give you an edge vs. your competition.
Best of luck with everything!
Bill’s Answer
Jacob’s Answer
The Big Four accounting firms are always a good place to start learning about accounting, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's the best path for you. The Big Four accounting firms have vast networks, a wide array of clients, and fantastic learning opportunities available. As an employee at one of those firms, you will likely always be exposed to a changing working environment and constantly be challenged. But some people do not enjoy working in such a large organization. Working in a corporate company will give you better insights into the specifics of that company and it's industry. Finally, you could also work for a smaller CPA firm, which would give you an opportunity to work with much smaller businesses and individuals, giving back to the small business community in a more direct manner. So at the end of the day, it's completely up to you!
Rachel’s Answer
All firms, no matter their size, have pros and cons, each firm and even different locations within the same firm will have different cultures that may or may not fit well.
You may want to speak to some representatives at a career fair or within your university's program office to get some additional information on where to start.
Good luck!
Erica’s Answer
Dana’s Answer
Hi Abdulwahab- Great question! I can speak from experience in joining a big 4 accounting firm after graduating and think that it is great way to begin your career in the field. You will have the opportunity for different experiences across various lines of service if you are unsure about what exactly what your path is, as well as the opportunity to work with a large, diverse group of professionals. There is also unparalleled mobility within the firm. The skills, both accounting and soft skills, learned at a big 4 can be utilized across the industry. I agree with the comments above, and have enjoyed my time here and do not regret my decision to continue with my career at PwC! Best of luck!