3 answers
3 answers
Zoë’s Answer
Hi Juan, its never too early to start working towards your personal goals! If you feel like you have a handle on work and can add more to your plate, don't be afraid to focus on your personal plans a part from your career plan. Great companies will want to help you develop not only professionally but also personally. My best advice is to find a mentor that you trust and be honest about what you want to accomplish in your personal life and career and how you can balance the two to reach your fullest potential!
Donna’s Answer
Like many of us, I assume your career goals are in front of your personal goals due to funding opportunities. And that is ok. If you have specific personal goals, everyday you should be looking for options which will advance you towards them.
I am not good at this, but have a friend who makes poster boards with her 5 Year goals on them. Where she wants to be with her career, her family, her self, and her business. That board has a prominent place in her kitchen, so that she sees it everyday. She has had some hiccups along the way but she has achieved most everything she has put on that board. Not sure if it will work for you but it is worth a try. Grab some magazines and think outside the box.
Maybe you can't afford to invest in property at this time, but maybe you have some like minded friends. Set some goals, draw up a legal agreement and maybe you can acquire your first property together and split the profits between each other. 4 years ago, I decided to flip a house with my best friend. We both have full time jobs, so this venture was on the weekends and spare time. If you know anything about flipping the key to the game is to get the work done and property back on the market in short order. This is usually do to borrowing money and not wanting to pay the high interest costs. It is great that my friend and I didn't have to go this route, as we still don't have the house totally ready for market. Yet I wouldn't trade the things I learned and experiences. So here I am at 57 trying to live the dream. Just think where I would be if I started at 18 or 19 years old.
Like many of us, I assume your career goals are in front of your personal goals due to funding opportunities. And that is ok. If you have specific personal goals, everyday you should be looking for options which will advance you towards them.
I am not good at this, but have a friend who makes poster boards with her 5 Year goals on them. Where she wants to be with her career, her family, her self, and her business. That board has a prominent place in her kitchen, so that she sees it everyday. She has had some hiccups along the way but she has achieved most everything she has put on that board. Not sure if it will work for you but it is worth a try. Grab some magazines and think outside the box.
Maybe you can't afford to invest in property at this time, but maybe you have some like minded friends. Set some goals, draw up a legal agreement and maybe you can acquire your first property together and split the profits between each other. 4 years ago, I decided to flip a house with my best friend. We both have full time jobs, so this venture was on the weekends and spare time. If you know anything about flipping the key to the game is to get the work done and property back on the market in short order. This is usually do to borrowing money and not wanting to pay the high interest costs. It is great that my friend and I didn't have to go this route, as we still don't have the house totally ready for market. Yet I wouldn't trade the things I learned and experiences. So here I am at 57 trying to live the dream. Just think where I would be if I started at 18 or 19 years old.

Molly Thornton
Seasoned HR Professional with a strong background in corporate, volunteer engagement and DE&I activities!
Molly’s Answer
You can begin researching and finding mentors for your personal goals at the same time as you're working on your professional goals. Why wait? You'll be one tiny step forward if you are disciplined enough to find your path to fulfillment sooner rather than later!
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