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What are your future plans and a human being, how do you plan to make yourself or the world better, why do you feel this is a need, when are you going to start these dreams.?

What inspires you?

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To: Friend
Subject: Career question for you


10 answers

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Stephanie LH’s Answer

It sounds like you are highly motivated by your values. I recommend doing a free, accredited self discovery assessment for each and seeing what careers fall into those areas. Your Career Development Coach (CDF) and your School Counselor (sometimes the same person for schools with less than 500 students) will have access to these tools and can help go over the results. If you'd like to start on your own with a free tool from the department of labor that also has careers that match and the education needed to reach those careers, I have listed the links below. My last piece of advice is to work with your "Financial Fitness" or "Home Economics" teacher to develop a personal budget for the life style you want and check that against the careers you are considering. This will let you follow your heart and be financially stable.

Stephanie LH recommends the following next steps:

Complete Values Assessment:
Complete Holland Interest Assessment:
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Judith-Ann’s Answer

Infires, This is a very important question for me that I have found to be quiet a journey for me all my life. I will answer from my own personal experience but it doesn't have to be your answer. For me it started with the age old questions who am I and where am I going? I began my search through traditional Christian methodology. I found some contradictions in this religion and researched Buddhism and Taoism and Humanitarianism for meaning. All offered some brilliant ideas for my search for meaning. In the final analysis, I realize that only I can decide what is right for me. I find my core values of love for all, love for the planet, and love for nature, kindness, honesty, truth, commitment have done me well in my purpose. I have found that my purpose is to be available to help others in a meaningful way. That purpose is fulfilled with my two passions: music and counseling. I believe being a licensed professional therapist has allowed my purpose for life to be meaningful and my love of music has offered people enjoyment and reasons for smiles. I wish you well on your quest for life.
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James’s Answer

What a super question Infires!

For me inspiration is the key. I find inspiration in most things, but especially where humans are tested to their limits. Think about the Ukraine and the middle east right now, where cultures, politics and religions all collide to make humanity difficult. What you will notice behind the headlines are people caught up in it, every day people who just want to get on with life, to live, to work, to provide and to take care of their families, yet they cannot. I always think about what it is to be human, and a good human and love to see people who manage and prosper out of all that is dark and dangerous.

People are ingenious, you just have to find the motivation to be as such. People in a war-like situation or under oppressive regimes can often demonstrate remarkable fortitude and resilience, because they have to, its a survival instinct. Then at the opposite end of the scale, people who are successful in life or business continue to be so, because the are motivated and the best of those people are the ones who demonstrate empathy, charity and give something back because the see the significance of their abilities towards progressing the next generation of humans.

I would say always do something you love, its not always about the money its about the satisfaction of achievement and helping others, and never be afraid to leave the table when respect stops being served, go and be among those who value your abilities and share your principles and ideals, this is where you will feel comfortable and rewarded!

Good luck.
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Trevor’s Answer

I plan to continue to progress in my career to have a greater impact on technology with my clients which can help impact and make the world a better place through its' use.
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Martha’s Answer

What terrific questions, Infires, and what thoughtful answers you have already received! I might add/reinforce:

1) Everyone's values and paths are a little different so I hope you will take from our comments what resonates for you.
2) Along with asking us, ask the same questions to family and friends. They know you and may be able to suggest direction for you better than we can.
3) I see your question in two ways. The first way is how can your work support your values. You could break this down further into does your company's purpose align with your values, does how your company operates align with your values, and does your function align with your values. I joined my current employer through an acquisition and generally feel good about all three aspects. I also like that my employer supports voluntarism (such as answering Career Village questions) and has a robust Corporate Social Responsibility program. The second way is what you do outside of work, which Bhuvvi enumerated. Feeling part of something larger than oneself helps foster happiness, connection, and gratitude. That is what volunteering in my community -- disaster relief, mentoring, supporting the arts -- does for me.
4) I see volunteering more in my future, perhaps in different realms.

I wish you well!
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Bhuvvi’s Answer

Great questions, they're essential and noteworthy! Appreciate your curiosity. These are the kind of inquiries we should all ponder daily.
We shouldn't delay in improving our world. Let's begin today, even with the smallest actions. A simple act of kindness every day, recycling, or volunteering to aid people and animals in distress can pave the way for larger steps towards a better world. Look to inspiring figures who have sought to improve the world - they all began with small actions, like Greta Thunberg.
It's my responsibility to enhance this world for future generations, ensuring they have a thriving and improved environment to live in!

Bhuvvi recommends the following next steps:

Read inspiring stories
Start by taking a small steps.
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Jacob’s Answer

I can provide advice and insights on how individuals can plan for their future and work towards making the world better.

1. Personal Growth and Contribution:

• To plan for your future, start by setting clear personal and professional goals. Consider what you’re passionate about and how you can use your skills and talents to contribute to society. Think about how you want to grow as an individual.

2. Identifying a Need:

• Determine the areas where you see a need for positive change or improvement in the world. This could be related to social issues, environmental concerns, education, healthcare, or any other field. Recognize the issues that resonate with you and align with your values.

3. Planning and Action:

• Once you identify a need, create a plan of action. Break down your goals into manageable steps. Consider what resources, education, or training you might need to make a meaningful impact.

4. Starting Now:

• Don’t wait for the “perfect” moment to start pursuing your dreams. Start taking small steps towards your goals today. Every action, no matter how small, brings you closer to your aspirations.

5. Lifelong Learning:

• Commit to continuous learning and self-improvement. Stay curious, explore new ideas, and seek knowledge that can help you address the challenges you care about.

6. Resilience and Adaptability:

• Understand that achieving meaningful change often involves setbacks and obstacles. Develop resilience and adaptability to overcome challenges and stay committed to your goals.

7. Collaboration and Networking:

• Many significant changes are achieved through collaboration. Build relationships with like-minded individuals, organizations, and experts who can support your efforts.

8. Finding Inspiration:

• Inspiration can come from various sources. It might be a personal experience, a role model, a book, a cause you’re passionate about, or witnessing positive changes in your community or the world.

9. Reflect and Reevaluate:

• Periodically reflect on your progress and reassess your goals. As you grow and evolve, your priorities may shift, and that’s okay. Adjust your plans accordingly.

10. Taking Care of Yourself:
- Remember that making the world better starts with taking care of yourself. Maintain physical and mental well-being, practice self-compassion, and manage stress to stay effective in your endeavors.

11. Persistence and Patience:
- Meaningful change often takes time. Stay patient and persistent in your efforts. Celebrate small victories along the way, and don’t be discouraged by setbacks.

12. Measuring Impact:
- Consider how you’ll measure the impact of your efforts. Tracking progress and outcomes can help you refine your approach and make a more significant difference.

Ultimately, what inspires individuals to make the world better varies widely, but the desire to create positive change and leave a meaningful legacy is a powerful motivator. By setting goals, taking action, and staying committed to your vision, you can work towards making a positive impact on the world and contributing to a better future.
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Jennifer’s Answer

Love this question, very insightful and inspirational at the same time! I'm a believer that if all of us put our little something out there, we can make the world a better place. In my case, I've been very lucky to have found a path in my career that aligns nicely with my values and the contribution I want to make for our society. I am an Employee Experience Program Manager, and overall foresee the experience of our sub-organization's team members to make it the best possible. Part of what I get to do is deliver workshops and trainings on soft skills and self-awareness, and getting to see people have many 'a-ha' moments about themselves is priceless. I think when we understand who we are, why we do the things we do and the way we do them, it gives us the power to improve in our talents and strengths feeling confident of what we bring to the table. At the same time, it allow us to understand our areas of opportunity where asking for help is truly beneficial. Equally admitting what we need help with AND what we're great at and giving ourselves credit for it, is a fulfilling way of living, in my perspective.
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Bob’s Answer

What a marvelous question, or set of questions. As one who has lived long and experienced much, what inspires me is to be able to proclaim the ethos of a reverence for life. This is the tenet that all life has worth and value, that no life may be viewed as merely a means to some human end. Further, a reverence for life imposes upon mankind the duty to enhance and protect all life, never harming, always assisting.

Too many humans believe we are permitted to exploit other life forms, believe that we may kill with impunity, rather than help without cessation. That attitude has led to what we find in the world today, a planet filled with strife, degradation, harm, and destruction.

Our task is to make the love of Jesus universal, to love our neighbor as ourselves and to regard every creature that crosses our path as our neighbor.

What inspires me is not only to talk about a reverence for life, but actually to live it, to bestow acts of love, mercy, and compassion each day. I hope this philosophy will inspire you to acts of charity and kindness towards all. In so doing you will be a part of a great effort to save life, to save this earth.

Bless you!
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James Constantine’s Answer

Hello Infires,

What's on the horizon for me as a person? Well, I plan to keep on coding and creating software that's all about nutrition education. You see, I'm a dietitian, so it's a subject close to my heart. I'm also hoping to inspire a change in attitudes towards conflict and promote peace.

So, how do I intend to make a positive impact on myself or the world? By ensuring people get the nutrients they're missing out on, especially those who are less fortunate like the homeless and refugees. I also want to play my part in resolving conflicts.

Why do I feel this is necessary? It's hard to ignore the number of people around the world who are going hungry. And it's equally distressing to think about the lives being lost in places like Ukraine and Gaza.

When will I begin working towards these dreams? As soon as I've sold enough of my software products to start a Foundation.

Who are the people that inspire me? There are many, but to name a few: Mother Teresa, Fred Hollows, Professor Linus Pauling, JFK, Mahatma Gandhi, and Martin Luther King.

God Bless,