Career questions tagged equinescience

What classes/courses should I take next year if I am interested in equine massage therapy.?
I am a freshman in high school currently and I am interested in becoming an equine massage therapist. What classes or courses should I take during high school to prepare me for college.

Will taking a class in high school unrelated to my major in college affect my college applications/admissions?
I am currently a junior in high school and it's time for us to start choosing what courses we want to take next year. I plan on majoring in aerospace engineering in college, and I have classes in my schedule related to that (ex: PLTW, physics, calculus). However, I wanted to add an easy half-semester class (for college applications) which is Equine Science, and then do early dismissal second semester. Is this a good idea/will it matter to colleges that I'm taking a class completely unrelated to my major?

How can I start a career in Equine Studies/Science?
I live in Minnesota, and I am looking for a career that can help me in my dream career, which is to work with equines. I have been riding horses for a while now, and I want to share that experience with other people. What are some fields that I could go into that are related to this, or that involve riding? Thanks!