Career questions tagged exotic

What is it like working with exotic animals?
I am a Senior student at William J. Brennan High school looking for information on becoming a veterinarian. I specifically want to pursue becoming an Exotic Animal Vet and wouldn't mind traveling at the beginning of my career to do so but i would like to know my chances and what i must do to accomplish this. #veterinarian #veterinary #animals #veterinary-medicine #animal-health #exotic #wildlife

How much pay could I make from specializing in the veterinary care of exotic wildlife?
I am a Senior student at William J. Brennan High school looking for information on becoming a veterinarian. I specifically want to pursue becoming an Exotic Animal Vet and wouldn't mind traveling at the beginning of my career to do so but i would like to know my chances and what i must do to accomplish this. #animals #animal-health #veterinary #veterinary-medicine #zoology #veterinarian #pay #salary #annual #monthly #exotic #wildlife #specialist

What Job Opportunities are there for an Exotic Animal Vet?
I am a Senior student at William J. Brennan High school looking for information on becoming a veterinarian. I specifically want to pursue becoming an Exotic Animal Vet and wouldn't mind traveling at the beginning of my career to do so but i would like to know my chances and what i must do to accomplish this. #veterinarian #veterinary-medicine #veterinary #animals #animal-health #exotic #wildlife