Career questions tagged geoscientist

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Angel375 views

What are good internship jobs for paleontology ?

Hello my name is Angel and I am a freshman in high school interested in the field of paleontology and wanted to ask professionals in the field what would be a good internship or job that i could take togane some experience. I would also like to know what I could expect in the future when looking for a position as a paleontologist.

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undefined's avatar
Angel242 views

What college and university should i go to for paleontology?

I'm a high school freshmen interested in paleontology and wanted to as someone who is a paleontologist. What is the best college/university to become a paleontologist? What education and/or training helped prepare you for this job?

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Angel297 views

What is is like as a paleontologist ?

I'm a high school freshmen interested in paleontology and wanted to ask professionals in the career three questions. 1. Why did you pick that career? What do you like about it? 2. What did you do to prepare for this career? 3. What was your motivation?

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Kameron537 views

How long did it take for you to get to the point you are today?

17 and don't want a 9-5 #scientist #geoscientist #college

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Thomas597 views

I will be taking a Fieldcraft / Outdoor Proficiency class as part of my major (Geology). Should I still participate in a Geology Field Camp?

I plan to have a career in geoscience. I want to be prepared for my future career. I also wonder if a Field Camp experience is especially important to employers. #geology #geoscientist #environmental-geology #geoscience #geologist

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Thomas1048 views

What skills are most important for me to learn in preparation for a career as a Geologist / Geoscientist?

I am a freshman Geology major and want to choose the best coursework to prepare myself for a career in geology / geoscience. #geology #geoscientist #environmental-geology ###geology

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Suvetha560 views

In which stream i should select in higher studies to become a Geoscientist?

I want to become a Geoscientist. But, I couldn't know to select my stream in higher studies. Please tell me which stream could i select? #geoscientist

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