Career questions tagged mobile

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Blessed Joshua 2053 views

I'm thinking of learning how to develop mobile apps. Which is more valuable to companies iOS or Android? I

I can't decide which operating system to focus on. #software #software-development #software-engineer #android #ios #mobile #mobile-app

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sudharshans1068 views

I want to become a auto mobile engineer what has to next

that my dream #auto #mobile

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J1183 views

What field should I work in?

I've always enjoyed working with computers, and I've found that tinkering with android phones is something I really enjoy doing. I love trying different custom operating systems and setting everything up efficiently. If these are the things I enjoy doing, what career choice is best for me? I've read about computer science, computer engineering, software engineering, but i'm not sure which one is best for me. #engineering #computer #software #android #mobile #operating-systems

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Furqan1667 views

How to go about becoming a computer animator?

Hello my name is Furqan I'm 16 and I'm in the 10th grade and I live in the New York area. I would like to know of some good sources to help me become a computer animator to make 3D or 2D IOS video games. Or any jobs that will help me get some help in the field. #video-games #3d-animation #ios #animator #mobile

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