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Beverly’s Avatar


Bacoor, Calabarzon, Philippines
3 Questions
103 Karma

Beverly’s Career Goals

Student has not yet added Career Goals Statement

Active Locations

Beverly’s Avatar
Beverly Oct 29, 2020 640 views

Pilot Requirements

can a tourism graduate be a pilot? if not what are the courses that can be a pilot? #pilot #aviation #commercial-pilot

Beverly’s Avatar
Beverly Oct 27, 2020 616 views

Advices or Alternatives?

I really wanted to do interior designing but my family says that there is no money at this type of job and it isn't that easy to find clients because most of the clients are only for rich people any advice and alternatives that are like interior designing. sorry for my grammar but thank you in...

Beverly’s Avatar
Beverly Sep 04, 2020 695 views

Pros of being interior designer

I'm in 10th grade today and I'm planning to be an interior designer in the future but they won't agree that I will take on this course can you guys help me change my parent's mind? #interior #help #interior-design