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Andrew Ng

5 Answers
5034 Reads
1 Karma
DD’s Avatar
DD Oct 29, 2021 490 views

What to choose?

Having an interest of being a part of the Banking Industry and wanting to excel in there , Which of the majors today would help me achieve it the best , considering the Future and its needs and requirements ?
#finance #business

Linh’s Avatar
Linh Dec 06, 2021 1399 views

How many hours do people in finance usually work daily?

As a student who's aspiring to be in the finance world, I want to know how people's life is shaped daily in their financing career. #business #finance #career #lifestyle

Linh’s Avatar
Linh Dec 06, 2021 1982 views

Is a financing a stable career?

I want to live my life to its fullest and have fun. But I also want to have a stable job career, so I don't have to worry so much. #career #job #career-choice #finance #business #career-counseling #career-path

Alisen’s Avatar
Alisen May 25, 2021 485 views

what's the most interesting part about your job? do you recomemnd this career path(forensic psychiatry)?

long answers would be greatly appreciated! i'm a rising sophomore with an interest in forensic psychiatry. these questions are for a career blog assignment in my avid class. #career-paths

Edward’s Avatar
Edward Oct 27, 2020 1032 views

In Gerenal are most Finance Careers worth the pay in your opinion?

Im in 9th grade and I am interested in finance careers but they seem like alot of hard work crunching numbers. #career #worth #finance #pay