April Geralds
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What interests should I have if I want to got into event planning?
I'm a high schooler trying to figure out what would be a good career path for me. #career #career-path

Would getting a minor make me qualify for a job in the field.
I am a high school junior with many interests, and would like to have the flexibility to do multiple occupations throughout my life. My question is that if, say, I major in a field like nursing, but also minor in education, would I be able to get a job as a teacher if nursing does not work out?...

what is the most exciting projects that people have worked on?
How important is welding for the world? #career-path

What would be a good path to go into construction?
I am 17 years old, I go to school at Day Spring Christian School, I am enrolled into OTC in construction for cabinet making and trim, I have been building stuff from a very young age, and I am really good at making things detailed.
#construction #building #career-path