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Joliet, Illinois
3 Questions
156 Karma

Brianna’s Career Goals

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Brianna’s Avatar
Brianna Mar 21, 2022 742 views

How would you Treat an LGBTQ+ / POC in the health industry

The reason i ask this is because It is 2022 and the Medical Industry still treat there LGBTQ+ /POC nurse community with utmost disrespect by staff and patients which i find very hurtful why is that they cannot be treated with respect also .

Brianna’s Avatar
Brianna Mar 21, 2022 438 views

Is cna a good career to be in ?

I always wanted to be in health work setting and i love helping people but there stuff in the field that i'm not comfortable with what should i do ?

Brianna’s Avatar
Brianna Mar 21, 2022 1562 views

How do I know if CNA is the right career for me?

I want to know if cna is a good job for me is it a right career choice am i doing the right thing i care for people but am i capable of handling the job.
What should i do.