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Bryanna’s Avatar


Providence, Rhode Island
2 Questions
251 Karma

Bryanna’s Career Goals

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Bryanna’s Avatar
Bryanna May 18, 2016 1795 views

Would you have to adapt often if your career is in technology?

Will you have to "change" in order to avoid structural unemployment? Technology advances at an exponential rate, so one would have to constantly learn new things. Some technologies become obsolete and companies go out of business, so what would that leave for someone working in tech? #computer...

Bryanna’s Avatar
Bryanna May 18, 2016 919 views

What majors provide the most flexibility in careers?

If I realize that the career I have entered is not for me, I want to be able to fall back on something that pays well. #college #career #career-counseling #career-choice #career-path