Manon’s Career Goals
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What types of job opportunities are available for a concert pianist?
I am currently a rising high school senior, and I am looking into possibly minoring in piano, or maybe even majoring. I deeply love playing the piano - it is my passion to play it for the rest of my life. I am very worried, however, that I will not be able to find a job if I were to pursue my...

Is the knowledge of foreign languages beneficial in obtaining a higher-paying job, most especially in accounting, and which languages would be most beneficial to know?
I am currently a rising high school senior, and I am still trying to review the best options of study for a successful career. I believe that I may want to study to be an accountant, but I also love foreign languages and working with those people with different cultural and language...

What all entails a typical accounting career, and what would be the different possibilities available for me with an accounting degree?
I am currently a rising high school senior, and as it is time to pick a college according to my intended major, I have been trying to figure out what I actually want to do when I graduate college. I believe that I may be interested in accounting, as I work well with numbers and am very...