Career questions tagged music-composing

Should I begin writing and publishing music (for school concert and marching like bands) to prepare my college resume?
I would like to become a band director and a composer one day for school bands and I was wondering if having published work would help me gain against my “opponents” when applying for college.

How can someone start their career in music composition as a novice composer?
I am a student in high school taking AP theory and other music classes. I really want to have a career in composing music, whether it be game OSTs, movie scores, or even just those silly songs in the background of advertisements. The problem is, I have no idea how to get into the industry. Like do I just find a place and apply like a normal job? Or do people have to contact me? (and how do I get them to?) If you have any answers or resources, it'd be highly appreciated 🙏🏻🙏🏻.

How should I get Internships?
I'm currently a high school student reaching their junior year. And I need to start thinking about jobs and internships to get ready for the world after college. I was wondering how I can get ready for such things. And to answer that, I thought it would be good to get jobs and internships to get experience in the field. But as a high school student, I really don't have many contacts or people I know in specific types of fields. Therefore, I wanted to ask people. What is a good way to get internships? I'm currently looking for music related, but I am fine with many other things. I'm asking for maybe websites, ways, or even contacts if anyone has any. #internships #music #programming #music-composing #industry-contacts

What types of job opportunities are available for a concert pianist?
I am currently a rising high school senior, and I am looking into possibly minoring in piano, or maybe even majoring. I deeply love playing the piano - it is my passion to play it for the rest of my life. I am very worried, however, that I will not be able to find a job if I were to pursue my dreams in becoming a concert pianist. I therefore have a plan to pursue a career in accounting, but I am still wondering if it would be at all possible for me to still play the piano as a career (even part-time), and would it be possible for me to have a said career without even getting a degree in piano. #music #music-composing #composer #piano #classical-music

If I am studying to be a music composer, is it possible to intern with a professional?
I love composing and arranging my own music and would love to do it professionally one day. #music #musician #music-composing #composer

How hard is it to get into the film music industry?
I am interested in pursuing a career in movie/film music composition. #music #music-composing #composer

Will having a minor increase chances of successful music industry career?
I am a interested music composition major #music #music-composing #composer

How do I advance in composing?
I want to compose, but I don't know how to get my product out there. Yes, I know I must promote myself, but how do I start? Where should I live to be paid for composing? #music #music-composing #composer