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Eureka, Illinois
2 Questions
111 Karma

Chastity’s Career Goals

I want to become a psychiatrist and earn my doctoral degree in psychiatry. <3

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Chastity Jan 28, 2023 820 views

My school offers college credit courses like Math 110 and Math 111 (general and stats) but also offers non-ap classes like pre-calc and calc. Which math classes should I take if I am pursuing a psychology under-grad (psychiatry end goal)?

I am in the 10th grade and have taken geometry and algebra II/trigonometry already. Next year I will have the option to take college credit courses.

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Chastity Jan 28, 2023 714 views

What math classes should I take in junior/senior year for a psychology under-grad?

For psychology undergrad (psychiatrist end-goal), what math classes should I take junior and senior? (college credit general/stats or pre-calc/calc?)