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Belleville, Illinois
2 Questions
141 Karma

Mykaelah’s Career Goals

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Mykaelah’s Avatar
Mykaelah May 27, 2016 1290 views

How do you make the choice of loving what you do, and doing the job because you have to?

I asked this question because most adults end up in dead-in jobs. How do you know that you are doing what you love, in order not to end up in a slump. #career #jobs #career-choice #student #graduate #life #career-plan #work-ethic

Mykaelah’s Avatar
Mykaelah May 27, 2016 1076 views

How does the Major you choose affect you in the long run,

Choosing a major is a very important choice when entering college. How does the major you choose in the beginning help you on your career path. #college #teacher #student #graduate #college-bound #majors #counselor #college-minor