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Brendan C.’s Avatar

Brendan C.

Program Manager - Customer Experience and Strategic Programs at Google
California, California
5 Answers
5929 Reads
41 Karma

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Eric’s Avatar
Eric May 19, 2016 1556 views

How do you juggle being a full-time student and working part-time?

I am a full-time college student who also works part time in the I.T. field. I am curious to hear how others properly juggle receiving an education full-time all the while gaining work experience by working part-time. #college #education #student #working #full-time

Tori ’s Avatar
Tori May 19, 2016 1221 views

If my long term goal is to be a elemantary principal would it be smarter to become a teacher first or just go to college to become a principal?

I feel like becoming a teacher would be the smart thing to do, but I also don't want to waist my time. My short term goal is to be a teacher gain experience and then become a principal. Then my long term goal is to be a principal so I just need to know if I need the experience of being a...

Kensley’s Avatar
Kensley May 21, 2016 1014 views

What are other careers in the field of education, specifically English?

I want to become a teacher, but I'm also interested in other careers in education. #teacher #educator #principal

Kristyn’s Avatar
Kristyn May 24, 2016 1176 views

How hard is it to start working at Google?

I thought that working at Google would be a lot of fun. Everyone knows what Google is and it would be a great opportunity to enhance my technological knowledge. #tech #educated

Gloria’s Avatar
Gloria May 28, 2016 949 views

What types of people should I begin to network with in order to spearhead my goal of teaching abroad and starting a non-profit mentoring program?

As an upcoming college freshman, how should I start the process of networking in order to reach my goals? #teaching #education #networking #mentoring #k-12-education #business-idea