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Dacono, Colorado
2 Questions
81 Karma

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Tiffany May 21 318 views

What Is the most challenging part of becoming a PA (Physician Assistant) And what is a good way to prepare for these challenges? #Spring24 ?

Additional Information about me is I'm really passionate about healthcare. And I enjoy it because I'm helping other people, feel like their best self. At the moment I am working on obtaining my CNA license. And plan on going to college to become a PA this really interested me because not only...

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Tiffany Jun 13, 2023 330 views

What is it like to be a registered Nurse?

What is the education to become a registered nurse like? Is university of Colorado school of medicine and red rocks community college a good starting point? Does being a registered nurse help people? do they get good work hours to where you can still spend time with family?