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San Francisco, California
7 Questions
237 Karma

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Aaliya Oct 03, 2012 1719 views

What would a good college be good if I wanted to major in physiology

I really want to learn about the human brain and how it functions and about how it works. I like to understand people better, so I thought this would be the perfect thing to major in #college #career-paths #college-majors

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Aaliya Sep 07, 2012 2004 views

How many years does it take to be a radiologist?

I think that x rays are cool #healthcare #education

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Aaliya Sep 07, 2012 1879 views

Is there a big difference between what a cardic nurse does and what a doctor does?

I was interested in taking a career in cardiology #healthcare #health #career-paths

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Aaliya Sep 07, 2012 9058 views

What is the difference between psychiatrists and sociologists?

I wanted to major in psychology but im not sure what careers I could have #psychology #healthcare #education #health #sociology #psychiatry

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Aaliya Sep 07, 2012 2216 views

What is the name of the job that requires you to use cells to make tissue and organs outside of the body

I was interested in this when I did an orientation and they talked about this but I don't remember what the career was called #healthcare

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Aaliya Sep 07, 2012 1463 views

Is there a real name for a emercancy department doctor

I use to work in ED at MGH and it was fun! But I never knew what they called the doctors. #healthcare

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Aaliya Sep 07, 2012 1785 views

What does a Cardiac doctor do on a day to day basis?

I worked at MGH during the summer and was in and out of this depatment and was just wondering what they did exactly #healthcare