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Corrette Palmer’s Avatar

Corrette Palmer

Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Mount Vernon, New York
2 Answers
4297 Reads
1 Karma

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abigail’s Avatar
abigail Aug 11, 2023 1601 views

How do you handle a situation where two people aren't working well together?

Understand the nature of the conflict.
Encourage employees to work it out themselves.
Listen to both sides.
Determine the real issue, together.
Consult your employee handbook.
Find a solution.

Stephanie’s Avatar
Stephanie Aug 11, 2023 2543 views

Which college major do I choose?

I found interest in beauty school such as esthetician school for skin care and beauty. I want to work more in the lines of that. I still will be attending a 4 year college but can’t quite know what major to go for to help with esthetician schooling? Which ones do you suggest enrolling into?