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Trina Torres-Smith’s Avatar

Trina Torres-Smith

Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Cary, North Carolina
2 Answers
3220 Reads
31 Karma

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Revika’s Avatar
Revika May 23, 2016 1594 views

What non-academic skills are needed for those interested in becoming medical doctors?

We all know that people who go into medicine are the best of the best when it comes to academics, but I am interested in what other skills define a medical doctor and how these traits come into play in the day-to-day life of a doctor. #doctor #medicine #science #healthcare #health...

Breanna’s Avatar
Breanna May 13, 2016 1720 views

What is the Best Way to Decide on Which Area of Study to Persue?

I am not sure on what I really want to go to college for. Currently I am a junior in high school. I am thinking of going into marine sciences or something with culinary. I've been thinking about doing summer programs to see which career interests me more but they are too expensive to do both....